  • 期刊


Spatiality and Temporality: Body Image of Chronic Illness Patients




身體意象 處境 時間 自我


This paper proposed the concepts of "body me" and "I body". Furthermore, the images of colostomy and fistula are used as examples to show that the body image of chronic illness has both temporal and situational meanings and shares a reciprocal relationship with self-identity (i.e., idem identity and ipse identity). Rather than providing an organic explanation, body image is an interactive relationship among time, situation, body, self, and others, which are all important aspects necessary to understand the individual and the world in which she/he lives. Finally, reflecting on humanistic clinical psychology, the ethical relationship practice of "we-ness" is proposed to shed illustrative light on the body image of chronic illness patients from a new perspective.


body image situation time self


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