  • 期刊


Evaluating Study Groups for Aboriginal Farmers in Taiwan-A Case Study


傳統原住民以「自給自足」的狩獵與墾植為生活方式,後來市場經濟的進入,轉變成為現在種植高價值的「經濟作物」,以商品化「農作物」獲取經濟利潤。原住民從「傳統」走向「商品化」農業經營的轉變過程中,政府的扶植與保護政策,催化了原住民對農業創新科技及經濟制度改變的接受與適應的速度。農業推廣教育由農政單位推介,啟引農民學習農業創新科技,啟引之初,農業推廣教育以一種外來的「干預」(intervention)方式,將研究機關所研發出來的創新科技(innovative technology),透過一系列傳播與溝通的教育過程,促使農民學習及變遷;但啟引之後,農民能對自願的學習、自主的決定變遷的層面以及理性的行動,才是農業推廣教育的真正目的。原住民農民由原始社會走向自由經濟的文明社會(civilized society),政府初期的「干預」或「啟引」顯而易見,但啟引之後,原住民農民是否能夠培養自主學習的潛能?本文以新竹縣一個偏遠山區原住民部落農民所組成的產銷班為「學習團體」,應用「行動研究」的方法,以約一年的時間長期參與觀察所蒐集的資料,說明一個原住民農民所主導的「學習團體」,如何評估、初試及適應創新科技(可是一項農業新技術,也可是一項文化財),如何尋求更多、更有效的農業創新科技的資訊與教育資源,如何解決農產品的市場銷售問題,。此一由原住民農民組成的「學習團體」,他們所學習、鑑定或解決的議題與問題以及行動之後的各種轉變,也衍生了包括農業科技、社會、生態環境、政治、經濟、法規及推廣教育等等層面的原住民農業生產與生活問題。希望由此一「學習團體」的實例剖析,對原住民農業推廣教育的限制及推行,提出具體有效的建議。


Aboriginal farmers in Taiwan were forced to change their farming system as the modern economic system began to pervade their tribes. In order to maintain their subsistence, many of these farmers were forced to grow different kinds of commodities for the competitive market. In their transition from self-sufficient to modernized commodity farming, aboriginal farmers have had to learn or adopt diverse innovative technologies. While they are being immersed with modern agricultural technology, however, a major question remains as to how well the farmers are adapting to and coping with the rapid innovations and changes.This paper is based upon a study group organized by aboriginal farmers who live in a very remote mountainous area in Taiwan. Applying the method of action research, the researchers participated in the study group activities and gathered data for one year. This case study illuminates how the aboriginal farmers evaluated, tried, and adapted to the new technologies and educational resources, and how they solved marketing problems for their products (pears, peaches, and vegetables). More generally, this study examines the aboriginal farmers as they evaluated their farming conditions, identified and posed their problems, and planned actions to solve them.

