  • 期刊


A Review on the Recent Typhoon Research


近十年颱風重點研究已從過去數十年之「軸對稱動力」轉變爲重視中尺度現象之「非軸對稱動力」,並且開始重視颱風問題與氣候變遷的交互作用。本文除回顧Ooyama論文之承先啓後「軸對稱動力」重要科學觀念外,並討論颱風侵台基本問題,從而討論詮釋我們實驗室近期在「非軸對稱動力」範疇內颱風研究成果。 本文討論包括⑴賀伯颱風橢圓形颱風眼動力研究,⑵颱風渦旋合併動力探討研究,⑶西北太平洋熱帶渦旋連續生成動力研究,⑷地形影響颱風渦旋研究,⑸異質大氣位渦方程式,⑹赤道百年一見「畫眉」颱風以及⑺雙颱風眼牆生成動力等研究成果。


The typhoon research has shifted from the area of the axisymmetric dynamics to the area of the asymmetric dynamics in the last decade. The interactions of the typhoon with the climate system are also getting more attention. This review paper begins with an examination of the Ooyama's classical work on the tropical cyclone axisymmetric dynamics. The Taiwan's typhoon research problems are discussed. Researches related to the typhoon asymmetric dynamics from the author's group are reviewed. The works discussed are (1) a possible mechanism for the eye rotation of typhoon Herb, (2) merging processes of tropical cyclone Zeb and Alex, (3) successive formation of tropical vortices in the Northwest Pacific summer monsoon, (4) topographic effects on barotropic vortex motion, (5) potential vorticity in a moist atmosphere, (6) a rare equatorial tropical cyclone formation of Typhoon Vamei, and (7) the formation of concentric vorticity structure in typhoons.

