  • 期刊

On Jing: Thinking Through Tang Junyi on Chinese Culture in Diaspora





唐君毅 比較哲學 儒家


This study starts with Tang Junyi's observation about a certain mindset regarding Western superiority in areas in which such a view is not justified, a mindset that results in a failure to recognize what is distinctive and valuable within one's own culture. Such a mindset can be found in the tendency to approach Chinese thought from Western philosophical perspectives in contemporary comparative studies. Using the early Confucian conception of jing as an example, this study shows how assimilating jing to the Western concept of respect for persons can lead to a misunderstanding of the Confucian concept. What we need to do is to attend to the relevant texts on their own terms, relating the ideas in the texts to our own present day experiences to understanding their contemporary relevance, before we bring Chinese and Western traditions of thought alongside each other for mutual illumination.


Tang Junyi jing li comparative philosophy Confucianism


Zuozhuan 左傳. In Chunqiu Zuoshizhuan Dushijijie 春秋左氏傳杜氏集解. Sibubeiyao 四部備要 edition. Shanghai: Zhonghua shuju 中華書局, 1936.
Guoyu 國語. Sibubeiyao 四部備要 edition.
Xunzi 荀子. Sibubeiyao 四部備要 edition.
Liji 禮記. Sibubeiyao 四部備要 edition.
Yang, Bojun(1980)。Lunyu Yizhu。Beijing:Zhonghua shuju=中華書局。
