  • 期刊


Application of Improved Tank Model on Upland Field Rainfall-Runoff Research at Hillslope


台灣地狹人稠,往山坡地發展是不可避免的趨勢。發生豪大雨的時候,山坡地的洪水逕流量和洪峰流量顯著增大,坡地逕流歷線也跟著改變,使得原有的排水系統無法負荷,造成臨近邊緣區域以及其下游地區存在水患增大的威脅。 為掌握坡地逕流量大小的問題,本研究將以有較佳水文模擬之水筒模式做基礎,並簡化成為旱田水筒模式,另對照坡地逕流具有良好模擬效果之運動波模式,初步探討兩者對坡地逕流模擬的表現。選定位於台中盆地內之坡地旱田詴驗區為研究區,並選定兩場降雨事件作模擬研究,以5種指標-均方根誤差(RMSE),效率係數(CE),洪峰誤差百分比(EQ(下標 p)),洪峰到達時刻誤差(ET(下標 p)),總體積誤差百分比(EV)等作模擬結果評估,整體上兩種模式都有不錯之適用性,惟以運動波模式之洪峰到達時間誤差較小,對洪峰模擬性較佳。


水筒模式 運動波模式 模擬


Taiwan is a small island. Since the utilization of useful plain is up to the end, the development of hillside has been a trend and inevitable for recently years. During storm seasons, especially the day of Typhoon trespass, a huge rainfall always bring heavy precipitation and the peak of rainfall is far from estimation. Simultaneously, the amount of hydraulic and surface rainfall will be increasing rapidly, the drain systems will not bear the burden. That will threaten the people who live near and downstream areas of hillside. This research is based on tank model which is the best for hydrologic simulation and is simplified to the Dry-tank model, and the kinematic wave model which is the best for upland rainfall simulation. Then, we apply both models to study the relationship and effect in rainfall and upland simulation. On the other hand, we selected the test area located on Tai-Chun basin, and two natural rainfall events occurred in the test area to be practical example to examine the both models. Finally, the following 5-indexs-RMSE (Root mean squared error), #CE (Coefficient of efficiency), #EQp (Percent error of peak discharge), #ETp (Error of time to peak), and #EV (Percent error of total volume) were applied to evaluate the results of simulation. In consequence, the two models are both applicable, but for ETp index resulting from kinematic wave model is smaller than that from Dry-tank model.


tank model kinematic wave model simulation


