  • 期刊


The Internal Other: Zhuangzi's Thoughts on the Relationship between the Limitations of Life and the Possibilities of Practice




莊子 內在他者 有限性 可能性


This article examines how Zhuangzi views self-transformation and self-understanding from the perspective of the "internal other." Paradoxically, action from within life's constraints is the result of the inaction following the acknowledgement of such constraints. Inaction is not passively doing nothing; rather, it is acknowledging the limitations before us and achieving self-liberation. By shifting our perspective, life's external limitations can be internalized such that the "external other" becomes the fundamental criterion for self-understanding, namely the "internal other." Zhuangzi's "fasting of the heart" is the technique which enables this shift in perspective. We empty ourselves to make room for the "other," thereby generating a greater understanding of ourselves. "Fasting of the heart" brings us to the realization that there exists a creative, paradoxical relationship between the limitations of life and the possibilities of practice. In short, the limitations of life and politics serve as the foundation for the possibilities of practice.


Zhuangzi internal other limitations possibilities


賴錫三 Lai Hsi-san,〈莊子的死生隱喻與自然變化〉“Zhuangzi de sisheng yinyu yu ziran bianhua”,《漢學研究》Hanxue yanjiu,29.4,臺北 Taipei:2011,頁 1-34。doi: 10.6770/CS.201112.0003
賴錫三 Lai Hsi-san,《道家型知識分子論──《莊子》的權力批判與文化更新》Daojiaxing zhishifenzi lun: Zhuanzi de quanli pipan yu wenhua gengxin,臺北 Taipei:國立臺灣大學出版中心 Guoli Taiwan daxue chuban zhongxin , 2013 。 doi: 10.6327/NTUPRS-9789860381634
王夫之 Wang Fuzhi,《船山全書》Chuanshan quanshu 第 13 冊,長沙 Changsha:岳麓書社 Yuelu shushe,2010。
呂惠卿 Lü Huiqing 撰,湯君 Tang Jun 集校,《莊子義集校》Zhuangzi yi jijiao,北京Beijing:中華書局 Zhonghua shuju,2009。
林希逸 Lin Xiyi 著,周啟成 Zhou Qicheng 校注,《莊子鬳齋口義校注》Zhuangzi juanzhai kouyi jiaozhu,北京 Beijing:中華書局 Zhonghua shuju,1997。
