  • 期刊


The Analysis of Operation Cost and the Improvement of the Cutting Machine for Saba


鯖魚為台灣大宗近海漁獲物,由於產量甚高,為提高其附加價值與調節市場供需,製作無刺魚排乃是最具市場潛力之加工手段。無刺鯖魚排加工過程第一道程序為剖半作業,目前已有國產之鯖魚自動剖半機問世試用中,但該機械仍有一些待改進之處,如缺乏出料引導隔板、無洗滌水收集裝置及有待建立最佳之剖半作業線速度等。本研究擬針對該機械之缺失作改良,並進行剖半實驗,以作為進一步改進及商品化之參考依據。剖半實驗中,配合季節性的條件及廠商現有之魚體大小,選擇大級(401~550g)及中級(301~400g)之鯖魚,配合0.75m/s、0.70m/s、0.65m/s、0.60m/s、0.55m/s等魚體輸送線速度,進行剖半加工之分析研究,並分析機械剖半與人工剖半之作業成本,以供鯖魚加工業者參考。本研究亦建立鯖魚基本物性資料,以作為剖切機構定位之依據。 實驗結果顯示:針對鯖魚剖半機之缺欠,已完成有效之改進。由魚體物區分析得知,不同等級的魚體,其脊骨寬差異甚小,因此作不同等級魚體剖半加工時,毋須調整兩剖切圓盤刀間距。剖半實驗結果亦顯示,魚體大小對魚肉損失率及產出率有顯著差異,但對於成功率無顯著差異,由此可知魚體等級愈大魚肉損失愈少,產出率也相對的提高,進而增加剖半成功機率。當線速度為0.75m/s~0.55m/s時,其魚體輸送線速度對魚肉損失率、產出率及成功率均無顯著差異,因此在這五種線速度範圍內皆是適宜之進料線速度。作業成本分析則顯示,鯖魚採機械剖半成本僅需0.2511元/尾,而傳統人工之成本則高達0.7445元/尾,為機械成本之三倍。


Saba is a major aquatic product around Taiwan. To promote its benefits to fishermen and the processors, the boneless steak o Saba is a popular product with much potential. Even though some domestic prototypes of Saba cutting devices or machines are available and are currently undergoing tests, there are mechanisms and parts, such as the outlet-guiding-board, the rinse water and residue collector and the optimal operation speed etc, that are expected to be improved and are eagerly awaited. This research works on the improvement and conformance mentioned above. Two grades of Saba, Grade large (401-550g) and Grade middle (301-400g) and 5 operation speeds of the cutting machine, 0.75m/s、0.70m/s、0.65m/s、0.60m/s and 0.55m/s, are studied in this research. The results show that while the new refined machine improves the performance, the analysis of the physical properties of the Saba depicts also that it is not necessary to adjust the clearance of the cutter since the size of the maw bone for fish body of these two grades are almost the same. The rate of successful cutting is independent of the grades. However the percentage of residual meat on the fish bone is relevant to the size of fish body. Grade large is better than Grade middle. There is no significant difference on the estimation of the cutting machine's performance among the five different operation speeds. Thus the operation speed selected among the range 0.55m/s to 0.75m/s is adequate. Finally, the analysis of operation cost recites that the cost of using the cutting machine is NT$ 0.2511/fish, which is one third of that when using manual operation. The operation cost by handiwork is NT$ 0.7445/fish.


