  • 期刊


A Study on Production Efficiency of Tea in LiShan-An Application of Data Envelope Analysis


本研究以問卷、面訪方式,蒐集梨山地區38戶茶葉生產者經營現況資料。利用三階段資料包絡分析法(Data Envelope Analysis, DEA)探討其中已有茶葉採收的29戶之生產效率。本研究之投入項為種植面積、固定人工、農藥與肥料費用、採茶費用、製茶費用等;產出項為茶菁與茶乾總產值。第一階段以CCR模型計算各茶戶效率值,其中只有5戶茶農效率值為一,顯示位於效率前緣。第二階段隨機邊界法(Stochastic Frontier Approach, SFA),設定環境變數,包括茶樹樹齡、海拔高度以及自創品牌等;以投入項差額值為被被解釋變數,各種環境變數為解釋變數,求出不同環境因素對於差額值的影響。結果發現創立品牌對生產效率有顯著的正向貢獻。第三階段去除環境因素與隨機干擾的影響,將修正後的投入項重新執行CCR計算效率值,並與第一階段之生產效率比較是否存在顯著差異,藉此歸納最具生產效率茶農的共同特色:1、種植規模超過四公頃以上。2、種植經驗十年以上。3,基礎種植設備完善。4、重視品牌價值,皆已註冊商標。5、經營者處於中壯年,具有體力與資訊運用的優勢。6、技術改良的先驅者。7、在農場中增設民宿設施,廣增客源。


The study was conducted through questionnaire and interviews to collect data on the management status of 29 tea farmers from Lishan. The production efficiency was explored using three-stage data envelope analysis (DEA). Input items in this study included the cultivation area, fixed labor, costs of pesticides and fertilizers, tea harvesting cost, tea production cost, etc. Output items in this study were the total production value of fresh tea leaves and dried tea leaves. In the first stage, each producer's efficiency value was calculated using CCR. Among the producers, only five had an efficiency value of 1, indicating they were at the top of the efficiency list. In the second stage, the stochastic frontier approach (SFA) was used to set the environmental variables, including age of tea trees, altitude, and self-brand. The results showed establishing their own brands significantly and positively contributed to production efficiency. The influence of environmental factors and randomized interference were eliminated in the third stage. The efficiency value was again calculated using CCR on the modified input items and the result was compared with the production efficiency obtained during the first stage to check for any significant differences. This empirical study concluded tea producers in Lishan followed a benchmark management model to achieve efficient production. The tea farms were located at an altitude of over 2,500 meters, with the cultivation area covering over four hectares. The farmers accumulate their tea growing experiences through long-term management with complete tea growing infrastructures. They created their own brand and paid attention to packaging to ensure quality, gain trust from consumers, and take charge of the distribution network.


Oolong Production Efficiency Three stage DEA


