  • 期刊

Nutritional Status of Breast-Fed and Non-Exclusively Breast-Fed Infants from Birth to Age 5 Months in 8 Chinese Cities



为了评价不同喂养方式0-5月婴儿的营养状况,我们在中国8城市实施了婴儿营养横断面调查。总共调查了622名0-2月婴儿和456名3-5月婴儿。混合喂养婴儿指同时摄入母乳和辅食的婴儿。研究结果发现0-2月婴儿中,38.2%的混合喂养婴儿摄入过量的维生素A,15.6%的混合喂养儿摄入过量的锌。对于只摄入辅食的人工喂养儿来说,大约分别有20%和12.5%的婴儿摄入维生素A和锌的量不足。而超过一半的人工喂养儿摄入过量的维生素A和锌。3-5月的婴儿营养摄入状况与0-2月婴儿的营养摄入状况大致相同,也存在严重的维生素A和锌摄入失衡状况。此外,与母乳喂养儿相比,人工喂养儿和混合喂养儿有较高的疾病发病率 和较低的年龄别身高,年龄别体重和身高别体重评分。总之,对于中国城市0-5月婴儿来说,除了维生素A和锌存在不同程度的营养失衡状况之外,其他大多数的营养素均摄入充足。


婴儿 营养状况 膳食评价


This study aimed to assess the nutritional status of infants aged 0 to 5 months by different feeding approaches. A cross-sectional study on infant nutrition was performed in eight cities in China. A total of 622 infants from birth to 2 months of age and 456 infants from 3 months to 5 months of age were included in this study. Mix-fed infants received breast milk and complementary foods from birth to 2 months of age. Approximately 38.2% of mix-fed infants received excessive vitamin A, and 15.6% of infants exceeded the tolerable upper intake levels (ULs) of zinc. For artificially fed infants who received only complementary foods, approximately 20% and 12.5% infants received inadequate dietary vitamin A and zinc intakes, respectively. The vitamin A and zinc intakes of half of the infants exceeded the ULs. Results showed that the usual intake distribution of the infants from 3 months to 5 months of age were similar to that of the infants from birth to 2 months of age. The common vitamin A and zinc intakes were also severely imbalanced. In addition, higher disease prevalence and lower Z scores of length-forage, weight-for-age, and weight-for-length were found in artificially fed infants and mix-fed infants compared with those in breast-fed infants. In conclusion, the usual nutrient intakes were adequate for the majority of Chinese infants, except for an important number of infants at risk for imbalance of vitamin A and zinc intakes.


infant nutritional status dietary assessment zinc iron


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