  • 期刊

Infant feeding concerns in times of natural disaster: lessons learned from the 2014 flood in Kelantan, Malaysia



2014 年12 月,吉兰丹发生了史上最严重的洪水灾害。占人口总数大多数的妇女和她们的婴儿受到最严重的影响,吉兰丹约一半人口是处于生殖年龄的人群。该研究旨在报道提高处于灾难中有独特需求的哺乳母亲及婴儿特殊人群的认知水平。洪水期间需关注四个方面:第一,洪水对婴幼儿营养和健康状况的负面影响;第二,母亲在洪灾临时避难所受室外缺乏隐私的环境中进行母乳喂养的舒适度;第三,许多来源的婴幼儿奶粉、奶嘴和奶瓶的捐赠无法控制,促进配方奶粉喂养;最后,对母乳的产生和质量可能受水灾影响的误解。自然灾害中妇女及其婴儿易受影响,提高了促进妇女母乳喂养权利的益处。妇女有权得到支持,使她们能够母乳喂养。这些可以通过监测配方奶喂养的分布情况,为母乳喂养的母亲和婴儿提供水、电和医疗服务来实现。一个涉及各个部门,包括地方政府(包括健康和营养部门)、私营或非政府组织、个体志愿者组成的多方面的救援任务团队,有可能使受洪水和其它潜在自然灾害影响的妇女和婴儿达到一个满意的状态。


关注 灾害 洪水 婴儿喂养 吉兰丹


The flood that hit Kelantan in December 2014 was the worst in Malaysian history. Women and their infants accounted for a large proportion of the people at risk who were badly affected, as almost half of the population in Kelantan was in the reproductive age group. This report serves to raise awareness that breastfeeding mothers and infants are a special population with unique needs during a disaster. Four of their concerns were identified during this massive flood: first, the negative impact of flood on infant nutritional status and their health; second, open space and lack of privacy for the mothers to breastfeed their babies comfortably at temporary shelters for flood victims; third, uncontrolled donations of infant formula, teats, and feeding bottles that are often received from many sources to promote formula feeding; and lastly, misconceptions related to breastfeeding production and quality that may be affected by the disaster. The susceptibility of women and their infant in a natural disaster enhances the benefits of promoting the breastfeeding rights of women. Women have the right to be supported which enables them to breastfeed. These can be achieved through monitoring the distribution of formula feeding, providing water, electricity and medical care for breastfeeding mothers and their infants. A multifaceted rescue mission team involving various agencies comprising of local government, including the health and nutrition departments, private or non-governmental organizations and individual volunteers have the potential to improve a satisfactory condition of women and infants affected by floods and other potential natural disasters.


concerns disaster flood infant feeding Kelantan
