  • 期刊


Classification of Storage Behaviour of Forest Tree Seeds



由於林木開花結實之不規則性,種子儲藏已成為今日造林計劃不可缺的一部份,以便供應高品質種子做苗木生產之用。執行林木種子儲藏不單要知道何地、何時、何物與如何去採集、處理、檢驗與儲藏種子或果實,也要知道各種種子之壽命與適當儲存條件以使得種質之遺傳與生理品質獲得保存。 在控制條件下,進行短程(3-5年)至中程(30年以上)種子儲藏除供應一般造林之用,也可為了執行區外基因保存之目的。種子儲藏是否成功是根據其固有之種子壽命與其儲藏性質(即正儲型,異儲型與中間型)、種子最初品質如成熟度與含水率、與儲藏方怯與條件。 具有正儲型種子特性者(耐旱且耐零下低溫)如松科種子在5℃一般儲存條件下儲存50年,僅喪失14-34%之發芽率。種子採收、處理與儲存等方法加以改善後,正儲型種子壽命可延長至75-100年。利用超低溫保存技術可達成此一目的。 另一方面,雖然對儲存異儲型種子(不耐旱且對低溫敏感)經多年研究,僅能獲致數月至一年之短期儲藏壽命。近年則在利用超低溫保存割取之胚部並利用試管內再生的方法有成功之進展。但此方法太過昂貴,不適於一般操作。特別是對於發展中的國家而言。 近年出現的中間儲藏型,如咖啡、木瓜與油棕種子等,其特性是耐旱但又對低溫敏感,已廣開其他可能之儲藏性質研究之路。由最近對於台灣亞熱帶林木種子儲藏特性之探討,顯然有可能找出其他儲藏型之存在。 本文回顧了Roberts,Bonner與Stanwood三位學者之不同種子儲藏性質之分類系統,並探討了影響種子儲藏之主要遺傳因子與環境因子。此外,基於我們目前已有的資料提出台灣亞熱帶林木種子之儲藏性質之初步分類。


Seed storage is an integral part of today's forest regeneration and plantation establishment programs because of the irregular flowering and seed crop production of trees and the need for continuous supply of highquality seeds for annual nursery stock production. Successful storage of tree seeds not only requires the knowledge of where, when, what and how to collect, handle, process, test and store seeds/fruits but also the knowledge of seed longevity and the optimal storage requirements of various species so that their maximum genetic and physiological quality can be preserved until they are used. Seeds are most commonly stored under controlled conditions for short (3-5 years) to medium (30 years or longer) periods. This strategy is suitable for general forestation as well as for ex situ gene conservation purposes. The success of seed storage is governed by the inherent seed longevity and the physiological storage behaviour of species (i.e. orthodox, recalcitrant, or intermediate type); by the initial seed quality such as maturity, seed moisture content; and by the storage methods and conditions. Species with orthodox seed storage characteristics (desiccation and subfreezing temperature resistant) such as the seeds in the Pinaceae have demonstrated storability for up to 50 years under normal operational storage conditions of 5°C with losses of germinability of 14-34%. With improved protocols for seed collection, handling, processing and storage, the longevity of orthodox seeds can probably be extended to 75-100 years. This can be achieved using cryopreservation technology. On the other hand, despite many years' research towards developing effective methods for storing recalcitrant seeds (desiccation and low temperature sensitive), only short-term storage of few months to one year has been achieved. Although a technique for long-term storage of excised embryos by cryopreservation followed by in vitro regeneration has been successfully developed, its use will be limited. Such methods are too costly to have operational scale application, especially in developing countries. A recent discovery that coffee, papaya, and oil palm seeds have intermediate storage characteristics (tolerant to desiccation but sensitive to low storage temperatures) has opened the door for further investigations into other types of seed storage behaviour. Recent research results on the storage characteristics of subtropical tree seeds in Taiwan, suggested there is a possibility that other storage types exist. In this paper we reviewed the three different classification systems for guiding seed storage developed by Professor E.H. Roberts, and Drs. F.T. Bonner and P.C. Stanwood, and examined the major genetic and environmental factors affecting seed storage. We also discussed and proposed a preliminary classification of storage behaviour for the subtropical tree seeds in Taiwan based on the presently available information.


Tree seed storage behaviour Taiwan cryopreservation


Liu, M. S. (2008). 植物耐乾燥之研究:從種子生理到營養組織之分子機制 [doctoral dissertation, National Taiwan University]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2008.01769
