  • 期刊


The Ancient Foundations of Modern Nation-Building in China: The Case of "the Offspring of Yan and Yellow Emperors"


本文說明近代以「黃帝」或「炎黃」為共同祖源想像的中國國族建構,是一沿續性歷史過程的最新階段。在戰國晚期的華夏認同中「黃帝」已成為此一群體之共祖,並蘊含領域、政治權力與血緣之多重起源隱喻。這樣一個渾沌初成的族體,在戰國以來透過人們攀附「黃帝」(或炎帝)及其後裔,逐漸在兩種「華夏邊緣」擴張-政治地理的華夏邊緣,以及社會性的華夏邊緣。透過「得姓」以及與姓相連結的祖源歷史記憶,愈來愈多中國周邊非漢族群的統治家族,以及中國域內的社會中下層家族,得與「黃帝」(或炎黃)有血緣聯擊。最後在此基礎上,以及在國族主義蘊含的個人主義精神上,晚清民初中國知識分子終於將黃帝與「每一個」中國人擊上此血緣關係。本文並以近代北川羌人漢化的例子,說明鄰近群體間相互的誇耀、歧視與模仿、攀附,是推動此華夏邊緣擴張的重要機制。 以此,本文強調近代國族建構自有其古代沿續性基礎。「黃帝攀附」便代表由華夏蛻變為中華民族過程中沿續的一面。而近代國族建構中最重要的想像、創新,與因此造成的與「過去」之問的斷裂,應導致於語言學、體質學、民族學與考古學在國族建構中之運用。


This article explains that the Chinese nation-building in modem times, which is based on the theory of a common ancestor-Huangdi (Yellow Emperor) or Yan-Huang (Yan and Yellow Emperors)-is not a new invention but the most recent stage in the long formative process of the Chinese people. During the late Warring States period, Huangdi was claimed to be the common ancestor of the Huaxia people. As an ancestral symbol he integrated metaphors of territorial, political and kinship implications. After that, the newly formed Huaxia ethnic entity expanded into both her geopolitical and social peripheries. By adopting a surname and the concomitant genealogical memory, more and more non-Han leading families in China's geopolitical peripheries and families in her social peripheries, were able to commemorate Huangdi directly or indirectly by assumed blood ties. Finally, with this background and augmented by the individualism fostered by modem nationalism, Chinese intellectuals of the later Qing and early Republican era built up blood ties between Huangdi and all Chinese people. Based on the case of the Sinicized Qiang people in northwestern Sichuan, this article also explains that social discrimination and emulation among neighboring peoples in China's peripheral regions are a primary mechanism through which the expansion of ”the offspring of Yellow Emperor and Yan Emperor” in those areas came about. In conclusion, this article suggests that the so-called modem imagination of the Chinese nation is actually based on a historical continuum from ancient times. The term ”Descendants of Huangdi” represents this historical continuum in the long process that resulted in the formation of the Chinese nation as an ethnic entity. The truly imaginary or inventive elements in the construction of the Chinese nation, and the resulting rupture between the past and the present, came from the use or abuse of modern linguistics, physiology, ethnology and archaeology in the nation-building process.


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