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The Applications of Computer Technology in Occupational Therapy


電腦科技在今天已深入各行各業領域之中,並扮演著十分重要的角色。電腦也成為歐美職能治療的普遍應用工具。本文籍由分析美英二國的應用發展情形及比較國內幾所大型醫院的起步狀況來評估台漲職能治療的電腦應用其未來之展望。 籍由電腦的發展情形及國內的社經背景,我們可將台灣職能治療的電腦應用分為三個時期。在近程目標上,可先著手行政管理、學術研究及部分臨床應用的發展。在中程目標上,主要是協助治療性用途的發展。而遠程目標上,個人輔助用品及職前、職業評估和訓練必可普及化。 由於正值起步,因此各醫院職能治療部門更要詳細分析本身規模、需求、人力等因素做重點性發展。除了對電腦的認識外,更重要的仍是對職能治療專業本身的了解,才足以在瞬息萬變的科技時代掌握未來發展方向。




Computer techonlogy has broken into all fields of professions and plays an important role. Also it has been a common tool in occupational therapy in the west, too. This article describes the recent conditions in the U.S.A., England and Taiwan to assess the prospectives of the applications here. According to the development of computer and the socio-economy here, the development of O.T. applications in Taiwan can be divided into three phases. They are immediate phase, intermediate phase and remote phase. At first, The applications in administation, reserrch and clinic will be current streams. Secondly, clinical applications will become more important. And finally, it will be common in the use of assistive devices and prevocational, vocational assessment and training. Owing to initial use, O.T. departments should analyse the man power, space area, the funds etc. to meet their particular needs. To an individual, in addition to getting acquainted with computers, the most important thing is to know about the profession, occupational therapy itself, and then we can master in our own field in the fast-paced advancing technological era.


occupational therapy computer Taiwan
