  • 期刊


Identification of Regional Groundwater Net-Recharge Rate Using Expert System - A Case Study of Pintung Plain


地下水參數檢定方法可分為人工檢定與自動化檢定兩大類,人工參數檢定執行過程費時費工,自動化檢定可降低人力之耗費,但傳統上多採用梯度類型之優選方法為演算法,此類方法多以差分建立敏感度矩陣,而需要反覆執行模擬模式,故敏感度矩陣之計算量隨著參數維度增加而急遽增加,且受到不同參數初始值而陷入局部解之問題。部分研究以伴隨狀態法降低敏感度矩陣因維度增加造成之大量計算量,然該方法需針對所解問題重新進行客製化地人工推導,減低參數檢定模式之通用性。有鑑於此,本研究乃結合專家系統與地下水數值模式,發展穩健型參數檢定系統(Robust Parameter Identification System,RPIS),同時考量模式通用性與計算效率,以及克服參數初始值帶來的局部解之問題。本研究以屏東平原為現地研究案例,以RPIS自動檢定模式淨補注率,檢定目標為西元1999年之地下水位,共12個模擬時刻。網格切割範圍為78 km×30 km,包含三層含水層與兩層阻水層。本研究以徐昇氏法進行表層淨抽水率與深層抽水率之分區,共104個分區,本系統採逐時刻檢定,全時刻參數量總計1248 個,為極高維度之流域尺度問題。應用CPU為Intel Core2 Quad2.66GHz,RAM為4GB,RPIS僅花費1539.9秒即可完成檢定,可證實本系統應用於高維度之現地問題,仍維持高計算效率。RPIS之檢定成果顯示,各分區模擬水位之檢定均方根誤差,全系統小於1.1公尺內,顯現檢定成效良好。與常見之通用型參數檢定系統 (UCODE)進行檢定結果之比較,本系統與UCODE檢定所得之各時刻深層抽水率與表層淨補注率相當一致,顯現RPIS之正確性。其次,為測試初始猜值帶來之局部解之影響,本研究隨機產生20組參數作為初始值,再同時應用RPIS與UCODE進行檢定,20組結果顯示RPIS均可在150次迭代內使檢定誤差小於2公尺內;在相同迭代次數下,UCODE僅能讓一組滿足檢定標準,顯現RPIS不易受到初始值之影響,證明其穩健性。最後,以MODFLOW模式之執行次數比較兩方法之計算效率,在檢定第17組時,RPIS與UCODE之執行次數分別為121與6195次,可證實RPIS具有高計算效率。研究結果可充分證實RPIS之檢定正確性及實用性,可同時考量模式通用性與計算效率,可作為高維度現地地下水參數檢定問題之解決方案。地下水參數檢定方法可分為人工檢定與自動化檢定兩大類,人工參數檢定執行過程費時費工,自動化檢定可降低人力之耗費,但傳統上多採用梯度類型之優選方法為演算法,此類方法多以差分建立敏感度矩陣,而需要反覆執行模擬模式,故敏感度矩陣之計算量隨著參數維度增加而急遽增加,且受到不同參數初始值而陷入局部解之問題。部分研究以伴隨狀態法降低敏感度矩陣因維度增加造成之大量計算量,然該方法需針對所解問題重新進行客製化地人工推導,減低參數檢定模式之通用性。有鑑於此,本研究乃結合專家系統與地下水數值模式,發展穩健型參數檢定系統(Robust Parameter Identification System,RPIS),同時考量模式通用性與計算效率,以及克服參數初始值帶來的局部解之問題。本研究以屏東平原為現地研究案例,以RPIS自動檢定模式淨補注率,檢定目標為西元1999年之地下水位,共12個模擬時刻。網格切割範圍為78 km×30 km,包含三層含水層與兩層阻水層。本研究以徐昇氏法進行表層淨抽水率與深層抽水率之分區,共104個分區,本系統採逐時刻檢定,全時刻參數量總計1248 個,為極高維度之流域尺度問題。應用CPU為Intel Core2 Quad2.66GHz,RAM為4GB,RPIS僅花費1539.9秒即可完成檢定,可證實本系統應用於高維度之現地問題,仍維持高計算效率。RPIS之檢定成果顯示,各分區模擬水位之檢定均方根誤差,全系統小於1.1公尺內,顯現檢定成效良好。與常見之通用型參數檢定系統 (UCODE)進行檢定結果之比較,本系統與UCODE檢定所得之各時刻深層抽水率與表層淨補注率相當一致,顯現RPIS之正確性。其次,為測試初始猜值帶來之局部解之影響,本研究隨機產生20組參數作為初始值,再同時應用RPIS與UCODE進行檢定,20組結果顯示RPIS均可在150次迭代內使檢定誤差小於2公尺內;在相同迭代次數下,UCODE僅能讓一組滿足檢定標準,顯現RPIS不易受到初始值之影響,證明其穩健性。最後,以MODFLOW模式之執行次數比較兩方法之計算效率,在檢定第17組時,RPIS與UCODE之執行次數分別為121與6195次,可證實RPIS具有高計算效率。研究結果可充分證實RPIS之檢定正確性及實用性,可同時考量模式通用性與計算效率,可作為高維度現地地下水參數檢定問題之解決方案。


Groundwater parameter estimation can be classified into two categories: trial and error methods and auto-calibration methods. Trial and error methods usually are time consuming. Most autocalibration techniques are optimization techniques which rely on sensitivity analysis or a gradient search, which become computationally difficult with increasing parameter dimension. Another problem with auto-calibration is setting up the mathematical equations for the optimization problems can be difficult and can be sensitive to initial conditions. This paper develops a robust and rapid parameter identification model, named RPIS, using the combination of the expert system model and the groundwater simulation model to reduce the computational time and increase the model applicability. The developed model is applied to identify the net recharge rate, the summation of total recharge and total extraction of the study area, of Pintung plain in southern Taiwan. The Pintung plain has an area of 78 km × 30 km composed of 3 aquifers and complex geological conditions. The study area is divided into 104 parameter zones with a planning horizon of 12 months. The study area has 1248 (104 × 12) net recharge rates to be calibrated. To solve for net recharge identification on an Intel Core2 Quad 2.66GHz with 4GB RAM requires only 1,539.9 seconds. The result shows that the proposed model can efficiently calibrate a model with high parameter dimension. The result also shows that the RMSE of each of parameters is less than 1.1 meter and the estimated net recharge rate of shallow aquifer and pumping rate of deep aquifer are consistent with the estimation result of UCODE. Moreover, in order to examine the local solution problem caused by initial guesses, this study generates 20 sets of initial guesses by using uniform random distribution and applies RPIS and UCODE to calibrate the parameters. For each of the 20 initial conditions RPIS meets the calibration criteria with less than 150 iterations, while UCODE failed to calibrate the study area for all but one of the initial conditions. This result shows that RPIS is a robust calibration method that is able to meet calibration criteria independent of the initial guess. For the one set of initial conditions that UCDOE was able to meet the calibration criteria required 6195 MODFLOW simulations compared to 121 simulations by RPIS. Based on these results RPIS is more efficient than UCODE for over parameterized models. This study demonstrates the correctness and practicability of RPIS, and RPIS can be a good solution for calibrating a large scale model with high parameter dimension.


calibration expert system net recharge rate MODFLOW
