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In-situ Resistance Measurement for Analysis of Platinum Thin Film Nucleation during Atomic Layer Deposition


本實驗以前驅物(MeCpPtMe3)及還原劑(氧氣),利用原子層沉積技術沉積白金薄膜,基板溫度為300oC,並以四線式電阻量測系統即時量測白金薄膜成長過程電阻變化,前80個ALD cycle電阻維持1×10^7歐姆以上,無明顯變化,在80個cycle後電阻開始急遽降低,20個cycle數內電阻由1×10^7以上降至400歐姆,此為各島狀白金之間距離越來越近甚至開始有接觸之現象,由掃描式電子顯微鏡之觀察發現,80個cycle後島狀白金顆粒其直徑約為20–30nm,顆粒間仍有縫隙,當成長至120個cycle後始成為連續膜而薄膜電阻亦降至27歐姆。


In this study, the Pt thin fi lms were deposited on the quartz substrate at 300oC by Atomic layer deposition ALD using MeCpPtMe_3 and oxygen as precursors. The in-situ resistance of Pt fi lm during the ALD reaction was measured by four-point probe resistance measurement. When the ALD cycle number exceeded 80, the resistance dropped rapidly from 1×10^7 ohm to nearly 400 ohm, indicating that the resistance gets smaller by a factor of 1×10^5 within 20 cycles of ALD. The morphology of Pt observed by SEM show that the Pt islands with a diameter of 20-30 nm were grown after 80 cycles of ALD. As cycle number increased to 120, the isolated Pt islands were then clustered to form a continuous fi lm and the resistance of Pt fi lm dropped to 27 ohm.
