  • 期刊

Redescription of Zang Spleen Model in Modern Anatomico-functional Terms





Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) conventionally described Zang organs according to the Zangfu manifestation theory. Current TCM studies showed that the network of stomach-pancreas-intestine and the hypothalamic-endocrine-immunological axis or the mitochondria may represent the Zang Spleen. Zang is described as a set of interrelated parts rather than an anatomical organ. This paper reviewed how the Zang Spleen could mean the same anatomical organ but with added dimension. Re-inclusion of intestinal lymphoid and lymphatic structures with their related vigilant immunological functions would help restoring the anatomical functional tie. The one Spleen-Pancreas-Intestine Complex with the gastro-intestinal digestive system and lymphatics linking the immunologically vigilant spleen and intestines may be taken as the Zang Spleen ”situated internally”. Zang Xiang ”external manifestations” may be expressed as functional features of that one structure as it serves to encounter food with digestion, related stomach functions, guarding interface, a lympho-circulatory transport system, and utilization of the assimilated essence for energy and vegetative balance, nourishment of brain and muscles to cater for life, and also functional features of the intricate interrelationship between that structure and the whole body neuro-endocrine balance, the influence on tone and dynamics of the whole internal viscera, stabilizing blood in circulation, body fluid perfusion-drainage balance, the immunological homeostasis and body defense, idea formation and intention mechanisms to face life. These correspond well with Zang Spleen described, and meet its essential meaning more closely than previous models. This anatomico-functional model can better interpret TCM literature and be easily understood by current science.


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