  • 期刊


Congestion Road Pricing for Mainline Toll and Ramp Toll Collection Schemes


本研究主旨在於討論次佳道路定價政策下主線收費(mainline toll)及匝道收費(ramp toll)不同政策對政府收取費額、道路旅次變化以及福利增減情形。道路擁擠收費概念始於1920年的擁擠稅理論,而後許多國家開始嘗試運用道路定價政策,希望能藉由增加使用成本減緩人民對道路使用的需求,以改善其所面對的交通擁擠問題。而在實際理論發展上,許多學者研究不同之定價政策,但對於不同收費方式:主線收費及匝道收費之研究尚不多見,故本研究設計一具代表又簡單之路網模型,討論主線收費及匝道收費政策對道路旅次流量的改變,政府收取費用之變化,以及路網福利的變動。本研究同時也沿用以往多數學者採用之其他不同道路定價政策:不收費政策及最適道路定價政策,於本研究中予以一併分析比較。


This paper investigates congestion tolls under two different toll collection schemes: mainline collection and ramp collection. Our analyses also focus on the changes of flow pattern and system welfare for these two toll collection schemes. Congestion pricing has long been a notable research subject of traffic management and transportation policy. It is also an interesting topic for economists and transportation planners from both in theoretical and practical point of views. Most research focuses on the discussions on different pricing policies. However, few research considers the impacts of the main-line toll and ramp toll collection schemes. In this research we designed a simple but representative model to provide a quantity analysis of the changes of toll, flow pattern, and social welfare under the second best pricing policies. The cases of no toll and first best pricing policy are also discussed.


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