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Singapore as a Developmental Global City-State and Its State-Controlled Political-Bureaucratic Model




This paper analyzes how Singapore, as a global city-state, can formulate its global control capability through the city governance process. Since Singapore has a spatially constrained territory, its government recognized early the importance of global control capability and aimed to become a key regional and global location for financial services and advanced producer services, similar to leading global cities in the West. This paper finds that Singapore's global city formation relies on a state-controlled model. The People's Action Party (PAP) government dominates politics in the city-state, allowing party elites to implement national economic and industrial policy with little opposition. On the basis of an illiberal democracy and the developmental state, the PAP government has established Temasek Holdings and many large government-linked companies (GLCs). PAP elites and bureaucratic systems occupy the core of market governance network, excluding the private sector. The Singapore government uses Temasek and other GLCs to implement its economic policies and strengthen its global control capability. In short, this paper argues that formation of global cities such as Singapore is not simply the result of global economic flows; the geographical and political context also can influence the characteristics and capabilities of global cities.


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