  • 學位論文


Shaping Political Socialization:The Case of Historic Textbooks of Secondary School in Singapore

指導教授 : 古鴻廷


本研究意欲透過分析、歸納新加坡中等教育前期歷史科教科書政治社會化教材的內涵,了解其國家機關形塑國民政治社會化的主要概念。 政治社會化是人類獲得政治價值觀、政治態度與政治行為趨向的學習與發展過程。在傳遞與塑造的過程中,政治社會化既有利個體的社會適應,同時也確保了文化的積累,換言之,政治社會化一方面使個體了解自身在政治社會過程中所處的地位與角色,並據此形成政治態度與行為,另一方面對整個政治體系而言,政治社會化也是一種政治文化傳承、維護以及適應的過程。 1965 年新加坡獨立時,其重要課題之一在於內部缺乏「國家意識」。面對新加坡人民對「國家」尚無認同感的事實,領導人李光耀非常明白內部凝聚力的重要。因此,他治國的重要政策之一就是化解各族的「本族中心主義」,並且培養與建立多種族新加坡產生出共同的「國家意識」,以利新加坡長治久安。意即,新加坡不是文明古國,也沒有單一宗教以及主導的意識型態,又受到外在國際政治現實的影響,因此,不能走「民族國家」建國路線的,新加坡必須要透過特殊方式培養國家認同。 教育是培養國家認同所需的概念養分的良方。它與政治一向關係密切。國家機關為求生存,多仰賴教育培養與之相應的公民。如同《新加坡中等教育前期歷史科課程綱要》所示:『國民教育是國家建立的一環,而歷史科課程綱要以符應新加坡國家發展需要為目標』,換言之,歷史教育憑藉教學使學生增加對國家的愛護與向心力,達成「鑑往知來」的使命。 「新加坡人」概念是新加坡國家機關支配主導下所形成的國家認同,這個概念指涉的是「一個人無論出生於新加坡或居住於新加坡,感覺自己是這個多元種族社會的一份子。他 / 她 具有容忍心、和諧,並且對未來有所期待,重要的是,準備為社會奉獻」。意即,在新加坡國家機關,這隻伸的「長長的手」所控制下,透過歷史教育進行政治社會化,以期達成以下使命: 1. 使學生建立新加坡國家認同感並且以新加坡為榮; 2. 了解新加坡面臨的挑戰困難以及弱點,使學生知曉新加坡是獨特的國家; 3. 了解文化遺跡以助於新加坡的國家發展; 4. 培養豐富的思考力以及資訊能力,使新加坡人更能生存於未來世界


This research provides an overview of the topic in relation to the concepts of political socialization for the historic textbooks of secondary school in Singapore. The meaning of“Political Socialization"refers to the human beings in the progress of acquisition associated with values、attitude、acts etc. in the field of political affairs.That is,political socialization leads human beings into a systematic place on the one hand,and conservation of political affairs for the society on the other. One main obstacle for Singapore depending in 1956 is the lack of the concept about national identity. Therefore the Prime Minister of Singapore, Lee Kuan Yew, treated the way to reconcile the conflict among the various races in Singapore and form a national identity as the main issues. Owing to the lack of collective conscious of culture and historic understand for people in Singapore, the national education plays a leading part related to the concept of national identity shaping. The History Syllabus Singapore demonstrates that the historic education has the responsibility for the accomplishment of Singapore national development because of its role as the main part of national education. That is, students in Singapore can not devote their soul and life wholeheartedly without historic education. The idea of “Singaporean"is strongly shaped by Singapore government. It refers to people regardless of living in Singapore or not,as long as he / she is willing to soul and life devotion for Singapore and has a great exception for Singapore,then,he / she is a Singaporean. In words, owing to harmony with the national development of Singapore, the concepts of political socialization are controlled firmly by the government via historic education so as to achieve the goal below: 1. One can pledge loyalty to Singapore and to be proud of being a Singaporean. 2. One will appreciate Singapore because it conquered all the obstacles. 3. One will treasure historical remains of Singapore so as to realize the progress of Singapore development. 4. A Singapore will process the great thinking in order to live in the near future properly.


王石番 (1991)《傳播內容分析:實證與理論》。台北:幼獅出版社。
王浩博 (1989)〈教科書與政治社會化---國小社會科實驗教材內容分析之政治社會化功能分析〉。《國教學報》2:107-124。
古鴻廷 (1994)《東南亞華僑的認同問題-馬來亞篇》。台北:聯經出版社。
