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Effects of Microbiofertilizers on the Growth and Yield of Seedless Watermelon


為探討在瓜苗上單獨或複合接種菌根菌、固氮菌及溶磷菌,並配合減施化學肥料等處理對無子西瓜生育與產量之影響,88年1月至6月在花蓮縣光復鄉進行試驗。結果顯示於定植後第58天,複合接種菌根菌(Glomus spp.二株及Gigaspora sp.一株)、固氮菌(Rhizobrium spp.三株)、溶磷菌(Pseudomonas spp.二株及Bacillus subtilis一株)及化肥按三分之二推荐量施用者之蔓長比未接種微生物而化肥採標準推荐量之對照區長22.4公分,分枝數亦較對照區多0.2條,每公頃產量則以複合接種菌根菌、固氮菌、溶磷菌及化肥按標準推荐量施肥者之29,921公斤,比對照區之23,519公斤增產27.2%,純收益增加54,920元為最佳。


無子西瓜 菌根菌 固氮菌 溶磷菌


The objective of this study was to investigate effects of VA mycorrhizal fungi, nitrogen fixing bacteria and phosphate-solubilizing microorganisms on the growth and yield of seedless watermelon. This experiment was conducted from January 1999 to June 1999 at Kuangfu, Hualien. At 58 days after transplanting, the vine number and length of seedlings inoculated with vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (VAM), nitrogen fixing bacteria (NFB), phosphate-solubilizing microorganisms (PSM) and applied 67% chemical fertilizer amounts of recommendation had 0.2 more branch and 22.4 cm longer than the control. The yield of watermelon treated with VAM, NFB, PSB and applied chemical fertilizer amounts as the recommendation was 29,921 kg per hectare. It was higher than the control by 27.7% and it produced more profit about NT$54,900 per hectare.
