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MR Assessment of Lateral Medullary Syndrome





To correlate clinical manifestations of lateral medullary syndrome with the location of ischemic infarcts presenting on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), 35 patients were studied and categorized into four types. They were ventral type, dorsosuperficial type, large type (diameter>10 mm) and typical type (located between ventral and dorsosuperficial type, diameter≤10 mm). All of these patients had only single bright signal lesion in the lateral medulla on T2-weighted images. The most frequent symptom was gait disturbance (77%). Limb ataxia was the commonest sign in neurologic examination, presenting in 86% of all patients. Significant difference of clinical presentations were found in ventral (9 cases) and dorsosuperficial type (5 cases). The ventral type lesions involved spinothalamic tracts, descending sympathetic fibers and ambiguus nuclei. They had clinical deficits of contralateral body hypalgesia, Homer's syndrome and palatal weakness respectively, and were not presented in patients with dorsosuperficial lesions. The location of large type and the typical type lesions were somewhat overlapped. Clinical manifestations of both types were evenly distributed and no significant difference. MR angiography were obtained in 30 patients. Variable combination of stenosis or occlusion of bilateral vertebral arteries and basilar artery were found in 22 patients (73%). MR imaging is excellent for defining location of ischemic infarcts in the medulla. MR angiography will help clinician for setting up proper management.
