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Application of Real Time Monitoring and Control System on the Study of CO2 Enrichment on the Growth of Anoectochilus Formosanus Hayata Plantlets in Vitro


本研究旨在建立一適用於組織培養瓶苗栽培的CO2補充,溫、濕度與CO2濃度即時監測與控制的系統。探討二氧化碳施肥對本土的珍貴藥材-台灣金線連(Anoectochilus formosanus Hayata)組培苗自營生長(photoautotrophic growth)之影響為本研究的第二目的。試驗結果顯示監控系統之運作合乎需求,並且在60天的栽培中,對照組(傳統栽培方式)的相對生長速率為1.78%/日,控制組(CO2施肥組)則為3.73%/日,增加倍數達2.1倍。證實在光期對透氣性良好且培養基中不加糖的金線連組培瓶補充二氧化碳確可達到提高瓶內組培苗生長速率之目的,且台灣金線連組培苗採自營方式栽培亦證實為可行。


The first purpose of this study was to develop a real time CO2 supply, temperature, relative humidity and CO2 concentration monitoring and control system for the growth of tissue culture plantlets in vitro. The second purpose was to examine the effects of CO2 enrichment on the photoautotrophic growth of Anoectochilus formosanus Hayata, a traditional Taiwanese galenical plants, plantlets in vitro. The results show that after the 60 days of growth, the relative growth rate of the group using the traditional method is 1.78% per day and is3.73% per day for the CO2 enriched group. The growth rate was improved by2.1 times. The results of the experiment proved that the CO2 enrichment is useful in increasing the growth rate of Anoectochilus formosanus Hayata plantlets in vitro and to culture the plantlets of interests in vitro photoautotrophically is possible. The monitoring and control system developed in this study worked well and functioned properly throughout the entire experiment.


