  • 期刊
  • OpenAccess


Analyzing the Determinant and Impact of "Hsi -Chih Chief Tax" Incident from Resource Limitation Perspective




Local governments in Taiwan have encountered the serious problem of Hsi-Chih Chief Tax has raised this problem to the systemic agenda and caused the related authorities paying close attention to it. This incident not only discloses asymmetry resource distribution between central and local government, it also leads so many townships to emulate the similar act of tax extration. The purposes of this paper are (1) to tap the determinants of the multiplier effect of this incident and (2) to analyze this impact of this effect. Both kinds of analysis are based on resource limitation perspective. At the conclusion, this paper recommends the way to attack the inertia problem of asymmetry resource distribution and to reconstruct the relationships between central and local government. Self-help and symbiosis are two foci worthing further attention.
