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Intraocular Lens Decentration Increases with Patient's Age



目的:本研究之目的在探討超音波晶體乳化術後,人工水晶體的位置與病人年紀和水晶體偏移(decentration)及水晶體傾斜(tilt)程度的關係。 方法:我們使用Scheimpflug videophotography檢測28位接受連續性晶體前囊撕開術(continuous circular capsulorhexis)、超音波晶體乳化術、及囊內後房水晶體植入手術病人的28隻眼睛;病人於手術後平均24.6±6.2個月接受檢查,檢查時計算水晶體偏移及水晶體傾斜程度,並與病人年紀、眼軸長度和手術後追蹤時間作相關度探討。 結果:水晶體偏移程度與病人年紀呈正相關關係(r=0.42, p=0.02),但水晶體偏移程度與水晶體傾斜程度、眼軸長度、及手術後追蹤時間則無相關性(r=-0.01, p=0.96; r=0.25, p=0.33; r=-0.14, p=0.48)。水晶體傾斜程度與病人年紀、眼軸長度、及手術後追蹤時間均無相關性(r=0.07, p=0.74; r=-0.052, p=0.89; r=0.11, p=0.59)。 結論:年紀大的患者植入水晶體囊內後房水晶體後,水晶體偏移程度較為明顯。




Purpose: To determine the relationship between patient's age, IOL decentration and IOL tilt after phacoemulsification. Materials and Methods: We examined twenty-eight eyes of twenty-eight patients who underwent smooth continuous circular capsulorhexis, phacoemulsification and posterior chamber IOL insertion. Scheimpflug video-photography examination was performed at 24.6±6.2 months after surgery. IOL decentration and tilt were correlated with patient's age, axial length and postoperative duration. Results: There was a positive correlation between patient’s age and the magnitude of IOL decentration (r=0.42, p=0.02). However, IOL decentration did not correlate with IOL tilt (r=-0.01, p=0.96), axial length (r=0.25, p=0.33) or the duration of post-operative follow up (r=-0.14, p=0.48). IOL tilt correlated with none of patient's age (r=0.07, p=0.74), axial length (r=-0.052, p=0.89), and the duration of post-operative follow-up (r=0.11, p=0.59). Conclusions: When implanted in the bag, post-operative IOL decentration was more significant in older patients.
