  • 期刊


Design Strategy of Green Product Development by Applying Analytic Network Process (ANP)


在全球性環境保護思潮影響下,產品環保性設計的重視程度逐漸提高,面對ROHS(Restriction of the use of certain hazardous substance)、WEEE(Waste Electronics and Electrical Equipment)規範之建立,各家廠商無不在產品之生命週期,做好完善的評估與規劃,以利於產品在市場上更具有競爭力,避免被市場所淘汰。但在國內對於綠色產品設計開發上,還只是起步的階段,如何將產品達到較高之環保性需求,所需要考量的層面較為複雜,相對的產品成本也勢必會提高,因此建立一套完善的綠色產品設計開發系統,是現階段企業在產品設計開發中當務之急,為了建立一套完善的綠色產品設計開發系統,本研究藉由分析網路程序法(ANP)的應用,找出綠色設計準則的重要因子與權重因素,作為環境評估權重因素考量的重要依據,再結合產品設計開發程序,形成具有環保觀念的綠色產品設計開發程序。最後將所得之要素與分析結果,擬定一套綠色產品設計開發檢核評估工具。如此,可以藉由嚴謹的環保檢核過程來確保綠色產品的誕生,達到環保法規的各項標準和要求,同時實踐低污染、省能源之綠色產品開發目標。


In the effect of global environmental protection thought, many people emphasize product environment protection design. When ROHS and WEEE were established, each company did the whole evaluated and planned on a product life cycle. It can make product more competitive and can't out of market. But in our country, green product development just at the beginning of stage. To achieve higher environmental production needs, we should consider so many aspects and product cost should be rise. In consequence, establishing an integriative green product development system is the most important thing on product development for a company. In order to establish a maturity green product development system, our study depends on application of Analytic Network Process (ANP) to find important factors and weighted factors for green design criterions. The important sources of environment evaluate weighted factor and combine with a new product development process to be environment protection concept of a green product development process. Finally, the study uses elements and analysis results to ehep a green product evaluation tool. The environmental protection evaluation can also ensure green product birth and achieve environmental protection regulations.


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