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Another Look at the Order of Clitic Pronouns in Wulai Atayal



在台灣南島語及菲律賓南島語中,附著式人稱代名詞之間的相對詞序呈現極大的差異性。在某些語言中,人稱代名詞之間的相對詞序是由句法因素(如:格位)來決定的;在某些語言中,人稱代名詞之間的相對詞序則是由音韻因素(如:代名詞的音節數量)來決定的;在其他語言中,則由多種因素(如:格位與人稱等)共同來決定的。 本文重新檢視烏來泰雅語中附著式人稱代名詞之間的相對詞序。本文主張烏來泰雅語中附著式人稱代名詞的相對詞序是由語意因素(即人稱)與句法因素(即格位)及音韻因素(即音節數量)共同來決定的,而非僅由語意因素(人稱與單複數等)來決定的。


The order of personal pronouns in Formosan and Philippine languages is of great interest to linguists in that it exhibits great variations across languages. In some languages, such as Central Cagayan Agta, the order of personal pronouns is syntactically conditioned. In some languages, such as Tagalog, the order of personal pronouns is phonologically conditioned. In some other languages, such as some Manobo languages, the order of personal pronouns is conditioned by multiple factors (e.g. case, person, etc.). In this study, the relative order of personal pronouns in Atayal is reexamined. It is argued that, contrary to the claims that have been made in previous analyses, semantic factors (e.g. person, number, etc.) alone cannot adequately account for the pronominal order facts in Atayal. Instead, it is the interaction of semantic factors with syntactic and phonological factors that provides us with a fuller and more satisfactory account of the pronominal order facts.


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