  • 期刊

Soil Treatment with Fungal Agents for Control of Apothecia of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum in Bean and Pea Crops

利用拮抗真菌抑制菜豆及豌豆田中菌核病菌(Sclerotinia sclerotiorum)的菌核發芽與子囊盤產生



在菜豆田及豌豆田進行兩年試驗,比較五種真菌包括四種真菌寄生菌(Mycoparasites) Coniothyrium minitans, Talaromyces flavus, Trichothecium roseum 及Trichoderma virens和一種拮抗菌(antagonist) Epicoccum purpurascens對抑制防治菌核病菌(Sclerotinia Sclerotiorum)之菌核發芽與子囊盤產生效果。將固體培養的真菌與菌核於豆苗出土後(約播種後二週)施於土中,然後於豆子開花至成熟期定期檢查菌核發芽及子囊盤產生數目。兩年試驗結果顯示:C.minitans與T.flavus的抑制效果最好;T.roseum及T.virens僅在菜豆田有效果;而E.purpurascens在兩種豆田均無防治效果。C.minitans施用於菜豆田或豌豆田均能顯著降低菌核的發芽數及子囊盤形成的數目。因此,在加拿大西部草原環境下,如果利用C.minitans來控制菜豆及豌豆田裡的菌核發芽形成子囊盤,繼而抑制產生子囊孢子,將有助於此一病害的防治。


A two-year field study was conducted to determine the effects of soil treatment with four mycoparasites and one antagonist on production of apothecia of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum under the canopy of dry bean and dry pea. Among the five species of fungi assessed, Coniothyrium minitans and Talaromyces flavus were the most effective agents for reducing carpogenic germination of sclerotia of S. sclerotiorum in bean and pea crops, whereas Tricothecium roseum and Trichoderma virens were effective only in bean, and Epicoccum purpurascens was ineffective for both crops. Treatment with C. minitans significantly reduced formation of apothecia of S. sclerotiorum in bean and pea. This study suggests that, under Canadian Prairie conditions, soil treatment with mycoparasites such as C. minitans can be an effective measure for reducing the production of ascospores, which are the primary source of inoculum for white mold of bean and sclerotinia blight of pea.
