  • 期刊


Characteristics of Rose and Aster Strains of Agrobacterium in Taiwan



本研究進行臺灣玫瑰及紫花宿苑癌腫病菌菌株特性之分析。依據生理生化之特性,玫瑰癌腫病菌菌株歸於同一群,紫花宿苑癌腫病菌菌株則可分為兩群(第一、二群)。紫花宿苑第二群菌株和Agrobacterium生物型I的生理生化特性相同;玫瑰菌株及紫花宿苑第一群菌株的生理生化特性相同,與A. rubi相似,但與Agrobacterium生物型I及生物型II的特性卻明顯不同。依16S rDNA PCR-RFLP分析結果,將玫瑰菌株歸為一群;紫花宿苑菌株分為二群,但與依生理生化特性之歸類並不完全吻合。合生理生化特性及16S rDNA PCR-RFLP圖譜分析結果,臺灣玫瑰癌腫病菌菌株特性僅有一種類型,紫花宿苑菌株則有三種類型。進一步利用聚合酵素連鎖反應以四個引子對偵測Ti質體上所攜帶的基因,與nopaline 及octopine 分泌有關的引子對6a,僅能自紫花宿苑菌株擴增出預期的PCR產物;而另外三對引子-virA, Virc1-D2 及iaaH,在所測試的癌腫病菌菌株均獲得偵測訊號,將可應用於癌腫病菌的快速鑑定及檢測上。


The characteristics of Agrobacterium strains isolated from rose and aster in Taiwan were investigated. Based on physiological and biochemical traits, the rose strains were characterized as single group whereas aster strains were divided into two groups (group I and group II). Aster strains of group II were physiologically and biochemically identical to Agrobacterium strains of biovar 1. Aster strains of group I, and rose strains were closely related to A. rubi, but considerably different from Agrobacterium strains of biovar 1 and biovar 2. According to PCR-RFLP analysis of l6S rDNA, the rose strains were categorized into one group; aster strains were still divided into two groups that did not coincide with the category based on physiological and biochemical traits. sccording to the physiological, biochemical, and 165 rDNA PCRRFLP analysis, the rose strains were grouped into one type while the aster strains were distinguished as three types. Furthermore, four primer pairs were used to detect the genes on Ti plasmid. Primer pair of 6a, related to the secretion of nopaline and octopine, amplified expected DNA fragment from aster strains but not from rose strains. Primer pairs of virA, virCI-D2, and iaaH, could amplify target DNA from all of the tested rose and aster strains and would be applicable in quick identification and detection of tumorigenic strains of Agrobacterium.
