  • 期刊


Research on Disaster Medicine


台灣位處於天然災害較其他國頻繁之地帶,常易造成非常重大的損失,因此政府及民間對防災工作倍加重視。九二一震災後,發現各方面的搶救工作確存甚多需要加強之處,最主要在於國內對於整個防災人力、物力資源之研究及資料庫尚未建立,以致無法在災變時提供充分資料作為有效決策。國外的研究確已有了相當的成果,國內則仍付之闕如,確有大幅加強化之必要。 本組將針對九二一地震後所造成之外傷學、心理學、傳染病學及原有疾病之變異等研究之探討為出發點,其次進行災難醫學中人力資源的需求與訓練、所需經費之評估、研究機構之設置、研究方向之確定、執行機構之組成,進而對政府提出多層面的建議。在建議中,我們從平時準備之研究,災難發生時立即處理之研究及災後重建之研究,期望建立起各種層面之資料庫,協助政府作為檢討及決策的參考,及未來災難防治之因應措施。 綜合各方面意見我們提出七點務實的建言(一)研究進行時應注意災民及社區的感受。(二)研究預算應適當增加。(三)建議設立專責機構,如:疾病管制局(CDC)等。(四)儘快由專責機構蒐集921資料,作為未來防治政策參考。(五)儘快建立災變統一作業準則(Guideline)。(六)指定專責醫院儘快進行災難教育訓練。(七)建議於921週年舉辦國際研討會,提醒全民警覺並檢視921一年來的衝擊。


Taiwan is located at a high risk area of disasters which often causes great damages, e.g., Ji Ji Earthquake of September 21, 1999 resulting in high casualty with high mortality and morbidity. This tragedy shows that regular preparation for immediate response to disaster was inadequate. Thus, extra efforts in implementing disaster medicine program becomes an important issue. There are many works done in the research of disaster medicine in many countries including Japan, Armenia, etc. However, researches are still inadequate in Taiwan and further study is mandatory. More research and data for disaster medicine are urgently needed in the future. Based on the experiences of Ji Ji Earthquacke, researches regarding epidemiology, psychiatric disorders, epidemic diseases, and change of original illness, are needed. The information of disaster medicine can be used in future planning and preparation to deal with disasters. Research on catastrophic mitigation, such as regular preparation, immediate response, post-disaster recovery, and regabilitation, should be further evaluated in order to help government decision-makers in future strategic planning. The recommendations for the studies also include other fields such as, medical human resource, training schedule, funding program, research institute and executive department, etc. In summary, there are seven possible propositions, which need immediate attention. (1)Be more sensitive to civilian reactions while performing the survey. (2)Increase current research funding. (3)Establish central agency of execution such as CDC, etc. (4)Collect data of Ji Ji Earthquake for future policy-making of disaster prevention under the lead of central execuion agency. (5)Set up guidelines for post-disaster operation and research. (6)Appoint major medical facilities to undergo immediate personnel training of disaster prevention. (7)Hold an annual international symposium on September 21st to mourn for those who life lost their lives in the Ji Ji Earthquake and revise achievements made in the past year in injury prevention.


Disaster Medicine Research Ji Ji Earthquake.


