  • 期刊


Awareness of Health Status Among Viscose Rayon Workers




健康狀況 聽力損失 嫘縈絲


Objective: This study examined the gap between health examination results and the selfreported health status among workers who were exposed to carbon disulfide in viscose rayon industry. Methods: Health status in the insurance records of 1998 and the year 2000 annual examinations were extracted and compared with the self-reported health status in questionnaires. Results: The year 2000 health examination results showed that among 103 workers (66.5%) with hypertension, only 26 persons (25.2%) were aware of their hypertensive status. Two workers (4. 8%) reported having had ECG abnormalities among 34 workers with ECG abnormalities found in the examination. Low proportions of workers were also aware that they had elevated cholesterol and/or triglyceride. However, 86.3% of those who had hearing loss were aware of their difficulties in hearing. Conclusion: This study suggests that a mechanism should be established to inform employees of their health examination results. Both employers and employees in industries need health education on worker’s occupational safety and disease prevention.


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