  • 期刊


Human Security and Institutional Development of Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Health Issues


本文以人類安全觀點解釋「亞太經濟合作會議(APEC)」之演變,說明「衛生任務小組(health task force; HTF)透過議題聯結方式結合衛生安全、經濟安全、食物安全,以及緊急應變議題,由臨時編組轉化為「衛生工作小組(health working group; HWG)」正式編制之過程。首先,本文就人類安全概念進行探討,闡述此一概念在後冷戰國際事務之應用與相關實踐。其次,檢視APEC衛生安全議題及HTF之演進,說明該項機制在區域衛生安全合作的主要功能,以及人類安全觀點如何解釋HTF之演變。最後,結合人類安全與APEC衛生安全機制相關討論,評估台灣參與APEC衛生合作機制之可能成效,並提出拓展台灣衛生外交之現階段與中長期具體策略。(台灣衛誌2012;31(1):11-20)


This article, inspired by the concept of human security, studies the development of health issues within the framework of Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)by looking at the institutional evolution of the Health Task Force (HTF) from a temporary task force to a permanent Health Working Group (HWG). Issues linking health, economics, food, and emergency preparedness are examined. We discuss the broad concepts of human security and their applications to international affairs. After a review of APEC health issues, the human, security perspective is applied to describe the historical phases of the HTF. This study combines viewpoints from human security and the health regime to evaluate the effectiveness of Taiwan's participation in APEC health issues. Policy suggestions are also provided. (Taiwan J Public Health. 2012; 31(1):11-20)


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