  • 期刊

In Search of Confirmation: Li Kung (1659-1733) in the Ch'ing Intellectual History




本文以新的研究視角來探索李塨在清代思想史上的意義。根據許多當代的研究,李塨往往被視爲是顏元思想的繼承者和推擴者,因此李塨在日後轉向考証學的傾向,也就被理解爲背離師門之舉和顏李學派發展的重大挫敗。上述的詮釋固然有其可取之處,卻忽略了李塨對其自我成就所懷有的期待。我的研究仔細地分析李塨如何在早期就已經對學問之道和顏元的看法有所出入,而他多次走訪江南大城,汲汲於和當時享有盛名的南方學者如毛西河和萬斯同等人交流的行爲,不但和顏元的作風大不相同,更顯示了李塨以一來自北方的儒者,企圖在人文薈萃的江南知識文化界中,得到肯定並佔有一席之地的積極用心。 因此,以此新的角度理解李塨的知識動向,不僅可以對其知識取向的自主性有一新的理解,更有助於進一步了解清初南北儒學間的不對等關係。


李塨 顏元 考証 儒學 南中國 北中國


This study aims to interpret Li Kung's intellectual, significance in: the Ch'ing intellectual, history from, an alternative perspective. In the modern scholarship, Li has often been depicted as the major disciple of Yen Yüan. Accordingly, Li's later intellectual efforts in the k'ao-cheng scholarship has therefore been interpreted as a betrayal of his mentor and a major failure of the development of the so-called Yen Li School. However, I have argued that if we pay mare attention to Li'own intellectual agenda, we can discern that Li had embraced an intellectual ambition, which is very different from Yen Yüan's and which deserves a serious evaluation for its own sake. My investigation shows that in order to gain wider recognition from the other Confucian scholars, Li had been eager to associate himself with a variety of Confucian scholars of various intellectual backgrounds. Li was especially very interested in taking long trips to visit famous Confucian scholars in south China to exchange ideas with them. Indeed, his efforts in the ao-cheng scholarship and his engagement in the k'ao-cheng debates earned him high reputation from the southern Confucian scholars. As a minor figure from a small town in north China, which had long been a peripheral area far away from the intellectual and cultural centers in south China, Li Kung appreciated very much the famous southern scholars' confirmation of his intellectual achievement. By viewing Li Kung's own intellectual development from this alternative perspective, and contextualizing Li Kung's intellectual trajectory in the historical setting which reflected the long term intellectual and cultural imbalance between north and south China, my study shed new light on our understanding of the dynamics of the early Ch'ing Confucian intellectual activities. In conclusion, instead of being viewed as mainly a compromise or Li's own intellectual trajectory, as I have argued, could well be perceived as a successful story of realizing Li's own intellectual ambition.


Mao Ch'i-ling, His-ho ho-chi 西河合集(Combined Collection of Mao Ch'i-ling), compiled by Li Kung et al. (K'ang-his edition, ca 1699), 5: 1a-3b.
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