  • 期刊


The Influnce of Recreation Activities in Taipei Middle Schools to Sense of Community




In Taipei, the important part of urban community recreational activities is held in middle schools because recreational activities in middle schools are much more accessible than in other places. On the other hand, through these recreational activities, people can share their interests with their neighbors in their communities. Therefore, the recreational activities in Taipei middle school can contribute to the sense of community within their communities. This research attempts to study the types and formats of recreational activities, which can influence people to feel sense of community. The data collection applied both quality and quantity to define the recreational activities in Taipei middle schools and to determine the contributions of recreational activities in Taipei middle school to sense of community. There are three important results in this study. Participants, who more support recreational activities in middle schools, can feel more sense of community. The participation frequency of recreational activities significantly influenced sense of community. People who have participated open formatted, formal, and competitive activities can feel more sense of community.


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