  • 期刊

菲得利克.洛.歐姆斯德(Frederick Law Olmsted, 1822-1903)的休閒思想

Recreational Concept of Frederick Law Olmsted(1822-1903)


本研究目的在探討菲得利克‧洛‧歐姆斯德(Frederick Law Olmsted, 1822-1903)的生平,追溯休閒思想淵源與休閒思想觀,考察休閒思想之貢獻與影響。研究方法採文獻分析法,針對個人的成長背景、所處的社會環境與思潮、當代重要他人以及自身的價值理念,是如何塑造歐姆斯德休閒思想?歐姆斯德是如何將其休閒思想落實?以及歐姆斯德休閒思想對社會的貢獻與影響又為何?等問題進行探究。本文研究範圍鎖定在歐姆斯德休閒思想對改善美國社會、滿足美國人民生理與心理需求層面。本研究得知,歐姆斯德在幼年及青少年時歷盡親朋好友的死別,自己在晚年又遭病魔纏身。其一生從事多項職業,且著書數本。受到安德魯‧傑克森‧唐寧(Andrew Jackson Downing)英國式及自然美觀點的啟蒙,再加上經常遊歷歐洲,體驗到歐洲各地公園與花園之美,令人產生某種愉悅放鬆的感覺,且具有教化人性及滋養人心的功能,致使歐姆斯德深信如詩如畫般的公園可以美化市容、提高視覺效果、減少社會階層的隔閡與不平等、促進人際關係、提供休閒活動空間及洗滌人心等功能。為此,歐姆斯德遂與卡福特‧佛克斯(Calvert Vaux)等人合作設計建造了許多著名的公園與公園系統,其中最享盛名者為紐約中央公園(Central Park),著實提供當代及後世大眾休閒好去處。此外,為了保育自然生態景觀及社會大眾都能享受自然景觀之美,歐姆斯德致力於國家公園保育計畫,亦促使首座州立公園的成立。歐姆斯德開啟了近代休閒功能性的都會公園模式、促進休閒活動空間的建造、致使休閒專業教育的設置,以及對自然生態環境保育社會運動的啟蒙。


歐姆斯德 休閒思想 公園


The aim of this study is at exploring Frederick Law Olmsted's life (1822-1903), origin of and the recreational concept, which to contribute to and influence American society. The methods was documentary analysis in order to conclude how the recreational concept of Olmsted was shaped by his life background and value, the social environment and ideological trend, and significant others of the day, how the recreational concept of Olmsted was put in practice, and how the recreational concept of Olmsted contribute to and influence American society? The scope of this study focused on the recreational concept of Olmsted to the goal of informing American society and the satisfaction of the American people physiological and psychological needs. Olmsted went through the death of relatives and friends in his childhood and teenage, and suffered from the diseases in his late life. Olmsted devoted to many careers and published few books. Because of the enlightenment of Andrew Jackson Downing and the experiences of traveling in Europe, visiting the parks and hometown grasslands, Olmsted believed beautiful parks could make people relax, beautify city environment, promote relationship, nourish human spirit and so on. Therefore, Olmsted cooperated with Calvert Vaux and other partners to design and build many famous parks and park systems, and the Central Park was the most one. These were the best places for recreation. Besides, Olmsted devoted to the programs of protecting national parks in order to preserve natural ecology and keep people enjoy the landscape beauty. Olmsted opened a model of the modern metropolis design for the recreational function, promoted the building of the recreation facilities, put up the recreational professional education and initiated the movement of the preserving natural ecology.


Olmsted recreational concept park


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