  • 期刊


Brain Dynamics during the Shooting Preparatory Period: A Comparison of Shooting and Motor Demands




腦波 頻率面分析 注意力


Purpose: Using Electroencephalography (EEG) to compare shooting and motor control condition in pre-shot periods. Methods: Eight air-pistol club shooters were recruited and EEG activity was examined during the shooting and motor control condition in pre-shot periods. The EEG montage consisted of frontal, central, parietal, temporal and occipital regions. The spectral power of α1 (8-10 Hz), α2 (11-13 Hz) and β1 (14-20 Hz) frequency bands were obtained for the 8-s period prior to trigger pull. Results: Higher α1 and α2 (marginal significance) were generally observed during shooting compared to during the motor control condition. Additionally, shooters exhibited higher β1 power in the right hemisphere, including frontal, central, parietal and occipital regions, during shooting compared to during the motor control condition. Conclusions: This study not only suggests the involvement of visual-spatial function during the preparation period in shooting, but also extends previous findings by demonstrating that shooting tasks involve process of attention, motor control and posture stabilization to achieve better performance.


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