  • 期刊


Behind the Lens: Visual Analysis of NBC's and CBS's Super Bowl Broadcast




運動轉播 超級盃 鏡頭 感官 個人英雄


Purpose: The purpose of this study is to analyze the content of Super Bowl on the screen, and how the broadcasters had represented the 2012 and 2013 Super Bowl. Methods: Quantitative content analysis was used to pore over the visual images content of the Super Bowl. Results: Different broadcasters had various shooting distances, angles, movements and transforms, but the "following shot" and "cut" both were NBC and CBS most frequently used production techniques. There was no significant difference between two broadcasters in the average number of shots for one touch down and the right after re-play slow motion. Conclusion: Although NBC and CBS both were the broadcasting partners of Super Bowl, each broadcaster had his own shooting strategies. When shooting the touch down, more attentions were paid to the quarterback and the player who gained the score. The broadcasters not only emphasized individual heroism in the field but also decided who will be the hero for the audiences.


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