  • 期刊
  • OpenAccess


Investigation of Mapping and Application of a Stand Gap Distribution Map Using the Deyan Coastal Forest in Hualien as an Example





This study utilized SPOT image data of 7 different periods and images from ortho aerial photography by plane and aerial photography by remote-controlled helicopter to produce gap distribution maps of all 7 periods for the Chihsingtan coastal forest in Hualien, east-central Taiwan. These maps were based on choosing vegetation plots of different gap formation periods, and 21 plots were established. Through a vegetation investigation and analysis of the plot's data in different periods, we compared differences in vegetation compositions of these chosen plots. Consequently, we determined a way to theorize the time at which gaps occurred in the forest stands and fhrther investigated the reason; analyzing connections between the time length of gap formation and variations in the vegetation composition might be a feasible direction for studying gap formation in forest stands. The results showed that gaps formed in different periods had different species compositions. Three main vegetation types were recognized: gaps formed in the past 5 yr were classified as the Murraya paniculata-Casuarina equisetfolia type; gaps formed in the past 5~7 yr began to show Macaranga tanarius, and were classified as the Murraya paniculata-Macaranga tanarius-Casuarina equisetifolia type; while gaps formed over 7 yr ago were classified as the Miscanthus floridulus-Macaranga tanarius-Broussonetia papyrifera type, with mixed Miscanthus fioridulus and Broussonetia papyrfera. In addition, 2 main herbal vegetation types were the Miscanthus floridulus type and Toddalia asiatica type. In this study area, another important discovery was that the formation of gaps was found in the Casuarina equisetolia stand, and the gaps expanded with age. The forest gaps reached 62% at the total area; the main reason for this is that the impacts of frequent typhoons are higher than the recovery ability of the Casuarina equisetfolia stands. Eventually, the Casuarina equisetfolia stands became the Miscanthus fioridulus-Macaranga tanarius-Broussonetia papyrifera type. It is obvious that typhoons represent the greatest natural disturbance in this coastal area.


