  • 期刊


The Caregiver Experiences of Role Strain and Demands for the Spinal Cord in Jury Patients at Discharge



本研究是探討脊髓損傷患者出院前家屬的角色緊張與需求,以質性研究方法,運用角色緊張理論(Archbold, 1990)及家屬需求概念,深度訪談十位脊髓損傷患者的家屬。自擬半結構大綱爲訪談指引,以錄音帶紀錄,訪談內容以內容分析法(content analysis),進行編碼分析。 由資料分析結果,歸納出家屬角色緊張概念共九個編碼,其內容爲:直按照護及困難、擔心、缺乏資源、角色衝突、經濟負擔、照顧期望、關係張力、被控制感、概括性緊張等。脊髓損傷患者家屬的需求同分爲私人需求、制度性需求二種。在私人需求中家屬最需要項目包括替代人力、情緒支持、訊息之提供、金錢或物質的補助。在制度性需求上最需要醫療費用的補助。研究結果提供護理人員瞭解出院前家屬的緊張來源及需求,以協助家屬發展因應策略。


出院 脊髓損傷 家屬 角色緊張 需求


The propose of this study was to explore multiple domains of the caregivers role strain and demands for the spinal cord injury patients at discharge. This study was conducted by a qualitative method. Archibald (1990) role strain theory and the concept of caregiver demands were used to guide the study processes as a conceptual framework Ten family caregivers of spinal cord injury patients were interviewed with audiotape recorded by a semistructured interview guide. The interview data were analysis using the content analysis technique to derive coding categories. Nine categories of role strain were emerged based on the data of the caregivers as follows: (1) direct care and difficulty; (2) worry; (3) lack of resources; (4) economic burden; (5) role conflict; (6) role expectations: (7) feelings of being manipulated; (8) increased tension/care receiver relationship; (9) global strain. The demands of the caregivers for the spinal cord injury patients were categorized to a personal demands and social welfare. Caregivers' personal demands included others' help, emotional support provide information, and financial aid. The aid of medical expenditure was the most important to the social welfare for the caregivers. The results of this study can be applied as a reference for nurses to help the caregivers when taking care of the spinal cord injury patients during discharge.


discharge spinal cord injury caregiver role strain demands


