  • 學位論文


An Elegy on Scaffold ─ An Exploration of labors in Construction Industry and Their Families’ Life Adjustment after Occupational Accident and Social Work Intervention.

指導教授 : 侯念祖


透過現有統計數據以及文獻探討發現,營造業的職災發生率、受傷嚴重程度較其他行業別高,營造業特性影響職災當事人的後續處理。因此,研究目的有三─1.探索職災傷者及其家屬面臨職災事件所產生之需求。2.尋求社會工作者在職災事件中的服務定位及角色,以及能提供之協助。3.探討社會工作介入服務職業災害之重要性與現況。 本研究為一探索性之研究。為探索遭受職災事件後職災當事人之主體感受與生活經驗,著重於了解職災事件後其生活狀況、處理職災事件之過程、公部門以及非營利組織之職災服務現況,並提出討論與建議。同時加強研究深度,故採取質性研究法。 透過研究發現,職災當事人因職災產生多重需求,如營造業高危險、高冒險的工作特性,造成職災勞工嚴重的生理損傷甚至失能;傷者家屬須同時照顧受傷的配偶與兼顧家務事,無暇顧及個人情緒;遺屬遭遇配偶逝世,產生失落、悲傷等負面情緒,也無法受到理解,同時擔負經濟維持及子女教養的責任。 現有的職災服務體系尚未能夠全面因應職災當事人多重且長期的需求。本研究以S協會為研究場域,該協會服務內容為兩大主軸─個案服務與政策倡議。其中個案服務以提供法律諮詢、勞資調處為主,但無法因應個案多重的需求。組織行動則是透過社會運動達到政策倡議的目的。另一方面,行政院勞工委員會實施之「職業災害勞工個案主動服務計劃」(FAP),採用個案管理的方式,依照個案的多重需求,為其連結府內與民間資源。然而個案以勞保局通報為多數,與強調即時的介入有所差距;且採用短期的介入,僅能解決個案當前的問題。 本研究肯定S協會在勞動法令上的服務專長,建議引進社會工作方法以及服務模式,對個案問題產生預先評估以及適當資源轉介,並結案後定期進行追蹤。針對職災勞工個案主動服務計畫,建議應不分個案職災種類(死亡、傷病、失能)皆進行家訪,以收集完整個案訊息。並且增聘個管員(社工員)人數,善加運用勞工志工人力資源。 無論是公部門FAP或是非營利組織S協會,在職災服務上皆須運用個案管理之模式進行職災個案服務,考量社區資源。此外,進行機構間的合作、達到資訊流通、物理資源共用和允許專業團隊參與提供服務。


According to the statistics and literature discussion we find out, that the duty disaster thousand people rate and the degree of injure in construction industry were much more serious than those of the other industries. And the characteristic of construction industry influences occupational accident victims cope with the event. Therefore, there are three purpose in this study: 1. Explore the occupational accident victims’ demand. 2. Discover the social workers’ position, roles, and what service they provide. 3.Discuss the importance and status of social work interventions. This study is an explorative research. In order to explore the occupational accident victims’ feeling and experience of new life, understand how they cope with the occupational accident, discuss the government and nonprofit organizations’ services, this study will adopt qualitative research method. The occupational accident make the victims have multiple demand. For example, occupational injury workers have serious physical injury and disability cause of high-risk and high-danger of job characteristic in construction industry. The injury worker’s families have to take care of the worker and chores, but have no time to care themselves. The survivors encounter their spouse pass away, they have negative emotion, and could not make others to understand what they feel, they also have responsibilities to maintain family’s economy and nurture their children. The existing service system can not deal with the multiple and long-term demands of occupational accident victims. This study selects association S as research field, this association provides two kinds of service: case work and policy advocacy; the former is to provide legal consulting negotiation for clients and handle labor-management disputes, but could not cope with the multiple demands of clients, and the latter is to originate social movements to initiate policies.On the other hand, council of Labor Affairs offers has taken measures which named“ Family Assistance Project” (referred to as FAP), it takes case management method, and connect with resources from government and NPO according to what clients need. However, most of clients come from Bureau of Labor Insurance, that is at odds with that case managers intervene immediately. It just can cope with current problem of clients by short-term intervention. This study approves the professional specialty of association S, and suggest that it could be use the methods and mode of social work. For example, assess clients’ difficult position and connect suitable resources, and follow up after termination. About FAP, this study also suggests that case managers (social workers) could collect complete information by interviewing the family of client who has different types of occupational hazard (death, disease, and disability). Hiring more case managers(social workers), and making the best use of the volunteers. Both of FAP and association S could take case management as measures to serve occupational accident victims, and consider all resource of society. And further, organizations could cooperate with others, make sure that resource were interchanged among each other, and permit that professional groups could participate in services.




WANG, Y. N. (2013). 職災預測模式及最佳化職災消弭方案評估模型之建構 [doctoral dissertation, National Taipei University of Technology]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6841/NTUT.2013.00477
