  • 期刊


Effect of the Trained Caregivers on the Quality of Cared Patients with Severe Chronic Disease



本研究目的在探討主要照顧者經教育訓練後參與重度慢性病患照顧方式及對照顧品質之影響。 研究對為某醫學中心重度慢性病患及其主要照顧者。本研究採類實驗性研究法後測設計,經立意取樣選取病房30位病患,其主要照顧者施與教育訓練,為實驗組,另選取急性病房中與慢性病房,病患性質相同之病患30位及其主要照顧者為對照組,以問卷為測量工具,以SAS程式進行分析。 研究結果發現:重度慢性病患主要照顧者以病患服務員居多(90%),主要照顧者經過知識與技術教育訓練後,參與護理人員照顧重度慢性病患之照顧方式,其照顧品質顯示優於沒有接受教育訓練者。研究所得結果,可以提供相關單位。在臨床上推選用,使重度慢性病患得到妥善之照顧。


主要照顧者 訓練 慢性病患


The purpose of this study is to explore the method of caring chronic patients and the effect on caring quality from primary caregivers who have been educationally trained. The objectives of the study arc for chronic patients and primary caregivers in Medical Center. The study design applies retrospective method. The experimental group contains 30 patients from chronic ward and their educated primary caregivers. The control group selects 30 patients from acute ward and their conditions are similar to those from chronic ward, The questionnaires are collected by direct interview. The trained interviewers really observe situation of care by nurse staffs and caregivers then fill up the Quality of Care Questionnaires. The results of this study show that 90 percent of primary caregivers are nurse-aides. After primary caregivers accept training from nurse staffs, it is obviously that the quality of care by trained caregivers is better than untrained ones. The research results give us a way in clinical nursing to care those patient better.


primary caregivers training chronic patients
