  • 期刊


The French Population before the French Revolution (1600-1789)


十七世紀與十八世紀法國大革命前之人口現象,在法國歷史人口學(Démographie historique)中,為一重要代表階段。法國人口之增減在宗教政治上受到極大的影響,除了亨利四世的宗教政策外,在政治上路易十四(Louis XIV)的君主專制王權(Monarchie)統治下,十七世紀開啓了對法國人民的人口政策,因是乃奠定研究歷史人口學的基礎,與正式人口調查數字的出現。至十八世紀法國大革命前,由於社會經濟衰退與王權力量之式微,塑造了具有特色的法國家庭,包括貴族與商人等不同家庭之結構改變。 影響法國人口中常出現的重要因素,除了政治、宗教與移民外、本文並將探討人口環境的變動、如城市(La Population urbaine)與鄉村人口的區別,並對家庭婚姻(Mariage)、人口老化(Vieillissement de la population)、與影響生育率的低生產率(Fécondité)等的文化因素,為探討主題並加以分析與介紹。


The historical demography between the 17th century and the French Revolution of the 18th century demonstrated an important representative stage, especially for the French historical demography. The French population came under the enormous influence by the religious politics, including King Henry IV, and King Louis X IV who used the absolute monarchy power and initiated the French population policy, which laid the foundation of official historical demography research. Before the French Revolution, the economy declined and monarchy power became unstable. Under the circumstances, French family structures underwent many changes, including the aristocrat and the merchant family etc. In addition to politics, religious beliefs, emigrants, this article will also discuss the environment changing, the differences between the urban population and the rural population, and analyze their marriage culture, the aging of population, as well as the cultural influence on the low fertility rate.


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