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Evaluation of Small Group Problem-based Learning


本研究的目的是對於以問題爲基礎的學習(problem-based learning, PBL)的敎師教學成本、敎材内容、學生對學習效果的滿意度及整體評價加以分析評估。研究對象爲87及88學年度參與PBL課程之學生與敎師,以自塡式問卷施測。研究結果顯示,老師花在敎學準備及課外與學生接觸的時間有很大的個別差異,部份老師在課外的準備時間比實際上課的時間爲多。大部份老師認爲PBL敎學對其他工作只有輕微影響,較受影響的工作以醫療工作爲主,次爲研究工作。在敎材方面,整體滿意度爲75%,有70%以上認爲敎材可以「增加學生對科學的了解」、「提供重要知識」、「提供基本知識」、「具趣味性」、「適當的廣度」與「適當的深度」。敎材評價較差的是「符合不同學生的需要」及「促進批判式思考」兩項,可能和敎材設計太重視學習的一致性有關。在學生對學習效果的滿意度方面,各評估項目皆有約70%以上的學生認爲滿意,尤以三年級學生的滿意度最高。本研究發現除少數項目仍需加強外,PBL課程在敎材内容及學生對PBL課程學習效果滿意度皆有良好的評價,但敎學負擔對不同背景特質的敎師在時間消耗及在其他工作之長期影響之差異仍需進一步了解。


This study was designed to assess learning effectiveness of a problem-based learning (PBL) curriculum in terms of costs, learning materials, and student satisfaction. Students and tutors participating in the PBL curriculum in the 1998 and 1999 semesters were included in this study. Study data were collected by having subjects fill out self-rating questionnaires. Preliminary results revealed that there were large individual differences among tutors in the amount of time spent on course preparation and discussions with students outside the classroom. Some tutors spent more time on course preparation and post-class discussion than they did attending tutorials. Most of the tutors replied that the PBL tutorials only very mildly influenced their other activities. Clinical activities were affected the most, followed by research activities. The overall satisfaction rate for the learning materials was 75% Items including 'increasing understanding of basic ourses', 'providing basic knowledge', 'providing important concepts', 'arousing interest', 'having appropriate broadness', and 'having appropriate depth' were satisfactory to more than 70% of the raters. 'Meeting different learning needs' and 'promoting critical thinking' were rated as less satisfactory. More than 70%of the students were satisfied with the learning effectiveness of the PBL curriculum. This was especially true for third-year students. Except for a relatively few items, the PBL curriculum seems to be satisfactory both students and tutors. Differences in time consumption and influences on clinical and research activities among different tutors deserve further observations.


