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Models and Examples of Curriculum Integration for Medical Education




Traditional medical education has derived many problems from learning being split into a series of divided disciplines. Therefore, medical education reforms by reducing cognitive loading, promoting a higher level of learning abilities and produce better-qualified medical staff are a response to the rationale of Problem Based Learning (PBL), and help with integrated learning, Recently, many medical schools have become eager to design integrated curriculum based on the rationale of the educational revolution, but investigations of researched for curriculum based on the rationale of the educational revolution, but investigations of researches for curriculum integration are rare. In this article, three integrated curriculum models as developed by Drake (1993; 1998) are introduced in terms of their application to medical education. These are the multidisciplinary approach, interdisciplinary approach and transdisciplinary approach. They are compared with each other through both the approach and concept framework. The latter in terms of what is worth knowing, how connections are made, learning out-comes, assessment, etc. are also compared. The multidisciplinary approach emphasizes what content is important within each disciplined. Disciplined cluster and recluster in the multidisciplinary approach, making the connection among many disciplines more obvious and easier to identify than other approaches. The interdisciplinary approach works across disciplines by blending the domains of cognition, skill and affectiveness, emphasizing what is worth knowing, and claims that processes and meanings, such as critical thinking, interpersonal relationship, etc., are more important than the final product and content. The transdisciplinary approach transcends disciplines, placing emphasis on what the students need to learn in order to become productive citizens in the future, encouraging students to manage self learning, and to learn how to solve ambiguous issues or problems. The transdisciplinary approach is similar to PBL in that it teaches knowledge that is embedded in a real-life or a cultural context. Based on the principles of each approach, their application to an educational system based on three themes or focus issues, the respiratory system, radiation, and organ transplant, are described.


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