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Evaluation of a Bedside Teaching Program in a Medical Center in Central Taiwan





In order to improve the quality of physician’s clinical training and medical care, the Department of Health (DOH) has funded a bedside teaching program since March 2002. The purpose of this study was to assess the quality of teaching by instructors and effectiveness of learning by students using questionnaires. The students included clerks, interns and residents. A total of 141 copies of the instructor questionnaire and 295 copies of the student questionnaire were collected in mid-July of 2002. The data showed that the majority of teaching (86.3%) was carried out in wards. The average number of students enrolled for each teaching session was 3.27. The most suitable length of time for the bedside teaching was considered to be 34.9 minutes by the teachers, and 41.17 minutes by students. The majority of the students were residents (35.9%). The evaluation of the teaching quality and the effective-ness of learning by the students were fairly good. Among the items taught, “disease diagnosis”. “history taking”, and “differential diagnosis” were all highly graded by the students. Thus, this study revealed that, as a whole, the bedside teaching program was quite successful. Our study also showed a high level of satisfaction among both the instructors and students, so we suggest that this program should be continue in the future. This is the first report evaluating the educational outcomes of this program, which began in 2002. The experience obtained during this study and the results from this study can be used as a reference point not only by other hospitals, but also by the DOH.


Bedside teaching clinical training interns


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