  • 期刊


A Study on the Design for Consumer Symbols of Tea Brands Creating a Favorable Impression


當消費者接觸一個陌生的品牌時,是什麼抓住了他們的目光?又是品牌本身持有什麼樣的消費符號而致使消費者對它產生了好感?本研究認為能幫助消費者辨別及記憶產品的品牌識別,無疑地為產品的品牌化發展跨出第一步。近年來,「茶葉品牌化」成為政府與業者所重視的農業推廣目標,雖國人對茶葉品牌的主體意識尚未成熟,政府推動的速度與發展規模也仍在起步階段,茶葉品牌化的發展力道與相關學術研究仍顯不足;但,當競爭產品愈來愈多且趨於同質化時,一個好的品牌設計能使消費者從中區別並可左右個人的感覺。因此本研究從消費者的角度,去思考茶葉品牌的消費符號聯想面向,如何創建出一個具好感度的品牌設計,及能喚起他們正向態度的設計模組。本研究在4×4 與6×6 的矩陣模型中發現,以「茶」或「茗」品牌命名來搭配「葉片」品牌圖像,或是以「飲食」分類的品牌命名來搭配「動作」分類的品牌圖像來創建茶葉品牌消費符號設計組合,最能引起年輕受試者對茶產品產生聯想與好感度。本研究成果希冀能協助設計師準確策劃及執行茶葉品牌設計與茶葉品牌設計再造及轉型的參考指標。


茶葉 品牌設計 消費符號 好感度


When a consumer catches sight of an unfamiliar brand, what draws their attention? Is it the consumer symbols of the brand itself that create a favorable impression on the consumer? This study suggests that brand identity that consumers use to identify and remember the products is no doubt the initial development of product impression. In recent years, the brand identity of tea leaves has become a goal of agricultural promotions by the government and private sectors. In spite of the beginning stage of the developmental progress and scale of brand identity, insufficient pushing-force and quantity of related academic research, and immature awareness of the general public, a good brand design, with growing number of competing products and their tendency towards homogeneity, will make itself easily distinguishable for consumers and further affect their senses. This study, from the perspective of the consumer, aims to explore the associations of consumer symbols of tea brands, and find out how to create a favorable brand design and design modules that arouse their positive attitude. This study has also found in 4x4 and 6x6 matrix models that consumer symbol combinations where brand naming using the Chinese character for "tea" goes with "tea leaves" image, or where brand naming using "diet" in classification goes with "action" in brand image, can best evoke young testees’ associations with tea products and their favorable impression about them. The results of this study are expected to assist the designer in accurately planning and implementing tea brand design, which serves as a reference for its innovation and transformation.


行政院農業委員會,《茶葉也有MIT-推動臺灣茶產地證明標章》。上網日期2015 年3 月25 日,取自http://teais.coa.gov.tw/view.php?catid=1194,2012。
