  • 期刊

English Reading Proficiency of Grade Four Children of New Immigrant Parents





This study was part of an integrated research project to establish an educational database of children of new immigrant parents (NIP) in central Taiwan. Its purpose was to understand the English reading proficiency of grade four NIP children in the central part of Taiwan, and what background factors might influence their English reading proficiency. An elementary English reading proficiency test and a background questionnaire were developed. A total of 238 NIP and 260 Non-NIP children participated in the study. It was found that Non-NIP children had better English reading proficiency. Compared with Non-NIP children, NIP children scored lower on items about reading labels and signs, reading sentences, and reading simple stories and children's plays. Factors influencing NIP children's English reading test performance included: participation in after school programs, participation in after school English lessons, number of years learning English, interest in learning English, father's and mother's education, and low income family status. Research and education implications are suggested and discussed at the end of the paper.


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