  • 期刊


Access to and Use of Long-term Care Resources by Home Care Patients and Their Primary Caregivers




Home care patients and their caregivers have diverse service needs. The purpose of this study was to investigate the availability and accessibility of long-term care resources for home care patients and their primary caregivers. We used stratified and random sampling method and selected 13 out of 28 hospital-based home care agencies in Kaohsiung city, Kaohsiung County and Pingtung County in southern Taiwan. A total of 365 primary caregivers completed a self-administered questionnaire, giving a response rate of 88%. Results demonstrated that the most commonly used home care resources were those provided to patients with a mental or physical disability (84.4%) followed by subsidies for medical equipment and assistive devices, and hospital discharge planning (76.4%), the 119 emergency rescue service (55.1%), foreign care workers (49.3%) and long term care management center services (43.0%). Caregivers reported a need for and poor access to home care nutrition and home rehabilitation resources. Moreover, there is a need to share and exchange knowledge and skills between caregivers or professional personnel. We recommend the establishment of a center for home care patients and their caregivers, where knowledge and skills can be shared. Respite care catering to a diverse range of needs could be provided with the help of a convenient and inexpensive Rehabus service. Finally, the standard of foreign care workers should be improved through appropriate training.


吳翠娥(2016)。從偏鄉中老年人需求建構全人長期照顧模式- 以新北市石碇區為例〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU201602154
