  • 期刊


A Study on the Effectiveness of Oral Health Care of Junior High School Students--Using the Six Key Features of the Health-Promoting School as Promotion Strategies


本研究目的在探討實施健康促進學校六大範疇策略介入後對國中生口腔保健之成效。以桃園市某兩所國中一年級學生為研究對象,採準實驗設計,實驗組實施4個月的「健康促進學校六大範疇策略」模式介入,對照組僅進行九年一貫課程介入。使用自編問卷進行前後測量與統計分析,最後實驗組有84人,對照組有76人,共160人,研究結果發現:一、 策略介入後,執行內容共計24項,以「學校衛生政策」執行情況最好,學校健康服務中「餐後口腔潔牙活動」、「回收潔牙表」、「餐後口腔潔牙執行力」情況不理想之班級,經溝通協調後可再提升。二、 共變數分析發現,策略介入可以提升研究對象的口腔保健知識和態度,無法立即提升口腔保健行為。實驗組知識後測答對率高於前測、進步率高於對照組,實驗組態度後測分數高於前測、正向態度的人數增加,對照組表現退步。根據研究結果,提出口腔保健議題之健康促進學校六大範疇策略建議,期望對學校執行面和政府政策制訂上,能有所助益。


The main purpose of this study was to examine the effectiveness of oral health care of junior high school students after the policy intervention of the six key features of the Health-Promoting School. The population of this study was the first-grade students of two junior high schools in Taoyuan City. Based on a quasi-experimental design, the experimental group used the "six key features of the Health-Promoting School" model to intervene and lasted for 4 months, while the control group used the Grade 1-9 Curriculum Guidelines without any intervention as usual. By using self-made questionnaire survey to do the pre-test, the post-test, and their statistical analysis, this study finally had the valid data as 84 students in the experimental group, 76 students in the control group, and a total of 160 ones. The main findings were as follows: 1. After the policy intervention, including its implementation of a total of 24 items, the feature of "School Health Policies" performed best. As for the "School Health Services," which included "teeth cleaning activities after meals," "calling in the teeth cleaning checklists," and "teeth cleaning performance after meals," though the classes practiced not so well, they could be improved to do better after communication and negotiation. 2. ANCOVA analysis found that this policy intervention could enhance the knowledge and attitude of oral health care of the study object, but not the behavior of it immediately. As for the knowledge aspect, the correct rate the post-test was higher than that of the pre-test of the experimental group, and the progress rate of the experimental group was higher than that of the control group. As for the attitude, the score of the post-test was higher than that of the pre-test of the experimental group, and the people with a positive attitude increased, while the performance in the control group regressed. According to the findings, this study recommend that the six key features of the Health-Promoting School would be good strategies to improve the situation of oral health care, and might benefit the implementation in schools and policy making of government.


