  • 期刊


The Post-Reconstruction Surgery Nursing Experience of a Gingival Cancer Patient




牙齦癌 外科重建術


The case report is a post-reconstruction surgery nursing experience of mid-aged male Gingival Cancer patient, from 4/13/2007 to 5/1/2007. The nursing assessments were implemented by the observation, the systemic conversation and the Gordon's 11 functional patterns. We found that the health problems of the patient had the ineffective airway clearance, the impaired oral mucous membrane, the anxiety and the disturbed body image. In the nursing process, we taught the patient to take a deep breath, to cough, and to backslap to keep the airway. After we used the oral assessment guide individually, we provided the proper oral sanitary and the nutrition to improve the impaired oral mucous membrane. To release the anxiety of the patient, we initiated to take care of the patient and to provide related information about the disease. To increase the confidence and adaptation of the disturbed body image, we also gave the patient emotional support and encouraged the patient to speak out the feeling about the appearance change. We hope that our nursing experience could provide useful information for the other clinic nursing staff to take care of the Gingiva Cancer patient.


