  • 期刊


Effect of Resistance Exercise Training with Dehydroepiandrosterone Supplementation on Glucose Absorption Ability


長期補充脫氫異雄固酮鹽(dehydroepiandrosterone, DHEA)已被證明能增加葡萄糖吸收能力,增進代謝適能,但目前尚未有研究比較短期與長期運動訓練配合補充DHEA,對改善葡萄糖吸收能力的影響,因此本研究目的在探討阻力訓練配合補充DHEA,第3天後與8週後葡萄糖吸收能力的差異,同時觀察對荷爾蒙的影響。本研究受試者為平均年齡39.4±1.54歲之女性,並於實驗期前1週進行最大反覆阻力測驗(RM)及基礎值測驗,包括身體組成、肌力、荷爾蒙、葡萄糖(GAUC)及胰島素曲線下面積(IAUC),其後將受試者分為單純補充DHEA組5名(DHEA組)、單純接受運動訓練組6名(運動組)及接受運動訓練同時補充DHEA組8名(運動DHEA組);實驗期間給予補充DHEA每天50毫克,阻力訓練強度為70%RM,並於實驗期第3天及8週結束後實施與基礎值相同的測驗。研究結果顯示仰臥起坐的能力經運動訓練後增加;實驗期第3天,可體松濃度明顯因運動效應而增加,且運動DHEA組之睪固酮濃度明顯高於運動組;在GAUC及IAUC方面,各組皆明顯低於基礎值,且運動DHEA組呈現低於運動組的趨勢。實驗期8週結束後,各組可體松濃度明顯少於基礎值,各組GAUC明顯高於實驗期第3天值,但在IAUC方面沒有差異。本研究主要發現阻力運動訓練初期補充DHEA,可以增加葡萄糖吸收能力,雖持續長期運動配合補充DHEA其效益不如初期明顯,但仍有優於未補充DHEA之運動組的趨勢,顯示運動訓練同時補充DHEA在初期及長期對改善葡萄糖吸收能力均有效果。


Previous studies have demonstrated that chronic dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) supplementation could improve glucose disposal and metabolic status. However, glucose absorption ability with response to acute and chronic exercise training along with DHEA supplementation is currently unclear. In this study, we investigated the effect of resistance training along with DHEA supplementation on glucose tolerance and hormone response. Nineteen healthy females (age: 39.4±1.54) were recruited in this study and all the subjects were performed the maximal repetition test (RM) to determine the basal maximal strength before the treatment. Subjects were divided into three groups; DHEA supplementation (n=5; 50 mg, daily), resistance training (n=6; 70% of RM) and resistance training plus DHEA supplementation (n=8). Blood samples were collected at study beginning, after 3 days and 8 weeks to determine the hormone response, glucose area under curve (GAUC) and insulin area under curve (IAUC). Body composition and muscular strength were also measured. In the results we observed subjects' sit-up ability was increased in resistance training group. The concentration of cortisol in trained group was significantly increased only after 3 days. However, the concentration of testosterone were significantly increased in resistance training plus DHEA supplementation group compared to resistance training group, but GAUC and IAUC were trendily decreased. After 8-week treatment, the level of cortisol was significantly lower than baseline. The major findings of this study were that DHEA supplementation in the early phase of resistance training could improve glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity. However, this beneficial effect was not reflected in the chronic treatment.


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